Training: KM / Create and maintain Knowledge content


  • To provide basic instruction on the creation and maintenance of public-facing and internal-use Knowledge Base (KB) content
  • To provide a how-to reference for contributors and editors who work in the Knowledge Base


  • Miami University IT Services
    • KB Contributor
    • KB Subject-matter Expert (SME) & Editor
    • KB Owner
  • Knowledge Base Publisher
  • Knowledge Management Process Owner


  • 55923: Knowledge Management Process
  • 56345: Knowledge Management (KM 2.0)
  • 348532: Knowledge Base (MUIT KB)
  • 349513: Knowledge Base Team Drives




  • Easy-to-follow templates take the guesswork out of article format and content structure
  • Draft articles should be reviewed and published within 24 hours of submission to the KB Publisher
  • Article validity and accuracy is maintained through practical use, daily feedback, and annual currency review


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Use "Exact Match" Search


  • To provide guidance in using "Exact Match" Search to look for the answers you need in the Knowledge Base and the Service Catalog




  • "Exact Match" Search uses specific fields for exact match searching in each of the following areas:
    • Site search: client portal search for Knowledge articles, services, and questions
    • Knowledge Base search: match on subject (title), body (content), and summary
    • Service Catalog search: match on name, short description, and long description
  • "Exact Match" Search can also locate keywords, phrases, email addresses, and phone numbers


Use "Exact Match" Search

  • Use quotation marks (" ") to perform an "Exact Match" Search on keywords or phrases
    • Example: To search the KB for articles about your MUnet password
      1. Locate the search box
      2. Click the down-arrow and select Knowledge Base from the drop-down
      3. Enter "MUnet password" in the search field
      4. Click the magnifying glass or press the Enter/Return key to execute your search
  • Search multiple keywords or phrases in a single query
    • Example: To search the KB for articles about your UniqueID and MUnet password
      1. Locate the search box
      2. Click the down-arrow and select Knowledge Base from the drop-down
      3. Enter "UniqueID" "MUnet password" in the search field
        • Enter both of those key phrases within their own set of quotes
      4. Click the magnifying glass or press the Enter/Return key to execute your search
  • Perform a regular search along with an Exact Match Search by entering text not contained within quotation marks

Examples of valid and invalid search criteria with rationale

Search Criteria Valid / Invalid Rationale
"MUnet password" Meets requirements
"MUnet password Missing closing quote
MUnet password" Missing opening quote
Find my "MUnet password"  Meets requirements
Find my "UniqueID" and my "MUnet password" Meets requirements
"" Meets requirements
"513-529-1809" Meets requirements


  • In the "Exact Match" Search feature, AND is implied: This narrows your search results to items in which all search criteria are present
    • Example: Enter "UniqueID" "MUnet password" in the search field, so only items with both "UniqueID" and "MUnet password" within the queried field will be returned
  • Only items that meet the "Exact Match" Search criteria will be returned, even when regular search data is entered in the same search query




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KB templates 


  • The Knowledge Management process employs standard article templates that provide consistent structure (organization), predefined content (guidance), and format (appearance) for concise, professional documentation
  • The process also allows the creation and publication of content-specific templates, as required by subject-matter experts for non-standard documentation


  • Two types of article templates are used: standard and content-specific 
    • All article templates follow WCAG 2.0 accessibility guidelines
    • All article templates are produced in WYSIWYG and HTML versions


Standard templates

  • Standard templates are adequate for most articles
  • The following standard article templates are available in the editor tool under the Templates drop-down menu:
    • Use the USER Instructions article template to document: 
      • use instructions for our public users
    • Use the Request article template to document:
      • form links and instructions for standardized service requests available to our public users
    • Use the Fulfillment article (service request / standard change) template ​​​​​to document:
      • standard/normal operating procedure supporting a service request form or standard change ticket
    • Use the Procedure article (application) template to document:
      • analytical procedure (e.g., troubleshooting script)
      • maintenance procedure (e.g., work-around, corrective/preventive requirements, known-error)
      • standard/normal operating procedure (e.g., specific routine tasks)
      • technical procedure: (e.g., service implementation)
    • Use the Best Practice article template to document: 
      • statement of best practices for an organization, service, process, etc.
      • high-level information and rules for consistent practices and compliance 
    • Use the Guide / Directory article template to document: 
      • introduction and general overview of a new product or service
      • directory of sources or links
      • advice on how to act in a given situation (e.g., scripts for dialog with an angry user)
      • recommended, but non-mandatory controls (e.g., recommendations, suggested practices)
      • established expectations (e.g., rules for interacting with co-workers)
      • checklists


Content-specific templates


Notes templates

  • For consistency in content, KM offers formatted Notes templates for use in KB articles about third-party apps — all-things Google, Apple, Microsoft, Canvas, and Zoom — and client offices, like Miami Online
  • To add one of these Notes templates to your article, follow these instructions:
    1. When you reach the bottom of your draft, hit Return twice to clear your format option
    2. Click the Templates option in the editor tool bar and select (add Notes to <app> article) from the Formatted Notes section
    3. This will add correctly spaced and formatted service and help links to your article.
  • Have a suggestion for a specific formatted Notes template? Contact me at 


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Add public-facing content to the KB



  1. In the client portal, open the KB folder assigned to your group
  2. In the folder, click the + New Article button to open a new document
  3. The Category field will be auto-populated with the name of the folder you selected
  4. Leave the Order field set at 1
    • Do not check the Pin Article box
  5. In the Subject field, enter the title of your article in the following format:
    • <Service, App, or Asset Name> / <Direct Action or Specific Issue>
  6. In the editor tool bar, click the Templates option
  7. From the drop-down, select the USER Instructions template
    • Your template will be automatically loaded into the editor window
  8. Follow the instructional text under each header to complete each section
    • Write in complete thoughts, not complete sentences — this isn't a hi-tech tech paper 
    • Use the appropriate level of direction for your public reader — imagine explaining a tech procedure to your mom
    • Number procedural steps
    • Label links descriptively, and include the correct hyperlink for each
    • Use proper names when referring to products, applications, etc — check out our approved spelling list!
    • Do not use graphics, images, tables or content attachments, unless you know how to format to accessibility standards 
      • Learn about the KB Team Drives, where you can store inaccessible content and generate a limited-permissions link for your KB article
  9. Leave Summary and Tags fields blank 
  10. Click the Status field and select Approved from the drop-down to submit your article for review and publication in the KB
    • Recommended: Ask a member of your group to review your article before submitting it for publication
    • To save your draft, select Not Submitted from the drop-down if you are not ready to submit your article for publication
  11. DO NOT CHECK the Published to KB check box
  12. Leave the Next Review Date field blank
  13. In the Owner field, enter and select the name of your group manager or the asset service owner
  14. Check the Notify Owner on Feedback box
  15. Add the Asset ID of the asset that is associated with your article, in the following format:
    • <Asset ID number>: <Title of Asset> at <URL of TDX asset record>
  16. In the Subject-matter Expert (or Adviser) box, check the box next to your name
  17. SaveSaveSave!
    • Your saved and submitted draft will appear on a TDX report of drafts to be reviewed and prepped for publication



  • Viewing Permissions
    • Your article will be published according to the viewing permissions of the category selected; most are public-facing
    • If viewing permissions should be restricted to an internal group, email the KBManager before submitting your article for publication
  • What happens next? (Everything else you should know)
    • As your KBManager, it's my job to make sure that your content is readable, presentable, current, and properly curated until it is committed to the great archive in the ether
    • When you submit your article for publication, I will:
      • Review format and content for accessibility, accuracy, clarity, completeness, grammar, placement, and permissions
        • Edit format and content, if necessary
      • Add internal-use artifacts, like reporting tags, an asset record, a currency review date, associated artifacts, and responsible group(s)
      • Add related article links and back-link from associated service request forms, as needed
    • And when everything is copacetic:
      • I'll publish your article to the KB
      • And notify you of publication in the Slack channel #kb_knowbodies
    • I will not research or write your article for you, and I will not harass you for missing information


Related Documents


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Add internal-use content to the KB



  • Document a procedure for use by:
    • Help Desk agents to use in troubleshooting or resolving an issue with your service or product
    • Ordinal-tier Miami support staff to use in resolving an issue or fulfilling a standard request form or change ticket
    • Group members to use in resolving an issue or fulfilling a standard request form or change ticket


  1. In the client portal, open the KB folder for your service or group
  2. In the folder, click the + New Article button
  3. The Category field will be auto-populated with the name of the folder you selected
  4. Leave the Order field set to 1
    • Do not check the Pin Article box
  5. In the Subject field, give your article an appropriate title in the following format:
    • Example: Procedure: <Service, Application, or Asset Name> / <Resolution>
    • Example: Fulfillment: <Service, Application, or Asset Name> / <Request or Standard Change> 
    • Example: TechSupport Guide: <Service, Application, or Asset Name>
  6. In the editor tool bar, click the Templates drop-down menu
  7. From the drop-down, select the appropriate article template
    • Your template will be automatically loaded into the editor window
  8. Follow the directive text under each header to complete each section
  9. In the Procedure section, provide reproducible, step-by-step instructions that allow your reader to:  
    • Perform a specific routine task (standard / normal operating procedure)
    • Troubleshoot a problem (analytical procedure)
    • Take corrective/preventive action (maintenance procedure)
    • Implement a service (technical procedure)
    • Fulfill a standard request or change
  10. Label links descriptively, and include the correct hyperlink for each
  11. Use proper names when referring to products, applications, etc — check out the approved list!
  12. Do not use graphics, images, tables, or content attachments, unless you know how to format to accessibility standards
    • Learn about the KB Team Drives, where you can store images, certificates, diagrams, etc. and provide a direct link for use in any article
  13. Leave the Summary and Tags fields blank 
  14. Click the Status field and select Approved from the drop-down to submit your article for review and publication in the KB
    • Recommended: Ask a member of your group to read and test your procedure before submitting it for publication
    • To save your draft, select Not Submitted from the drop-down if you are not ready to submit your article for publication
  15. DO NOT CHECK the Published to KB check box
  16. Leave the Next Review Date field blank
  17. In the Owner field, enter and select the name of your group manager or the service asset owner
  18. Check the Notify Owner on Feedback box
  19. In the Asset ID field, enter information for the asset that your article supports, as follows:
    • <Asset ID number>: <Title of Asset> at <URL of TDX asset record> 
  20. SaveSaveSave!
    • Your saved and submitted draft will appear on my TDX report of drafts to be reviewed and prepped for publication



  • What happens next? (Everything else you should know)
    • As your KBManager, it's my job to make sure that your content is readable, presentable, current, and properly curated until it is committed to the great archive in the ether
    • When you submit your article for publication, I will:
      • Review format and content for accessibility, accuracy, clarity, completeness, grammar, placement, and permissions
        • Edit format and content, if necessary
      • Add internal-use artifacts, like reporting tags, an asset record, a currency review date, associated artifacts, and responsible group(s)
      • Add related article links and back-link from associated service request forms, as needed
    • And when everything is copacetic:
      • I'll publish your article to the KB
      • And notify you of publication in the Slack channel #kb_knowbodies
    • I will not research or write your article for you, and I will not harass you for missing information


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KB Team Drives


  • To provide information on using a Knowledge Base Team Drive to support Knowledge Base content
  • To provide instructions on requesting a Knowledge Base Team Drive, adding/removing members, and setting/changing access levels


  • The inclusion of inaccessible images, graphics, and diagrams; sensitive data, certificates, and content attachments in KB articles is strongly discouraged
    • Exception: Unless you know how to format to accessibility standards


  • Miami University's Knowledge Management process offers the use of Knowledge Base Team Drives to support Knowledge Base content
  • A KB Team Drive allows your group to store Knowledge-related images, certificates, diagrams, sensitive data, or inaccessible content and provide a direct, sharable link for use in any KB article
  • A KB Team Drive can provide extra security for highly sensitive information and restrict sharing to people within a group or the University
  • The KBManager will create and coordinate the use of a KB Team Drive for any KM-trained group upon request
    • Any designated group member of a KB Team Drive must be logged in to their Miami University account to access the contents of the drive
    • The KBManager can add/remove members and set/change access levels to a KB Team Drive at the request of a KM-trained SME or Group Manager
    • Send an email to, include your group or service name and desired drive membership with corresponding access levels



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Use of alias-identifier tags in KB articles


  • To provide guidelines for acceptable use, format, and content of alias-identifier tags in Knowledge Base articles


  • Only trained Subject-matter Experts are permitted to create alias-identifier tags; and they must follow these guidelines
    • Tags generated by Blackboard agents, student workers, and untrained-others will be removed, as is standard KM practice
  • Alias-identifier tags will receive the same editorial scrutiny as article content
    • The KBManager uses article tags to generate TDX reports specific to types of articles and the various groups that generate, own, share, and use associated procedures
    • The KBManager will review alias-identifier tags, re-associate duplicate tags or tags that conflict with a reporting scheme, and remove inappropriate tags from articles and the system


  • An alias-identifier tag is a human-friendly or industry-familiar key description of content and can be used within acceptable creation, format, and content standards in the KB


General Use

  • Alias-identifier tags contain abstract keywords or terms that would not reasonably appear in the article title or content
    • Use alias-identifier tags to group articles according to associated external/industry practice or relative terminology
    • Create alias-identifier tags that allow your working group to share descriptive keywords that make sense within the scope of your work
  • Do not use tags to identify common misspellings of words that appear in the article title or content
    • Inappropriate tags will be re-associated when possible or removed from the system
  • Do not use tags to identify alternative spellings of words that appear in the article title or content
    • List alternative spellings for a product or service under the Environment header in the article; use notation (sic) to indicate unusual/alternative spelling
      • Example: voicemail, voice mail (sic), voice-mail (sic)
      • Example: OBIEE, BI
      • Example: myCourses, My Courses (sic)
  • Do not use tags to repeat words or terms that appear in the article title or content
    • Inappropriate tags will be removed from the article


Create and select tags

  • Create new alias-identifier tags within reason and in agreement with your working group
    1. To create a new tag, open your KB article editor and select the Settings tab
    2. In the Tags field, type your formatted tag and select the first corresponding tag suggestion
    3. Click the article Save button to save your new tag
  • Select existing alias-identifier tags whenever possible
    1. To add an existing tag, open your KB article editor and select the Settings tab
    2. In the Tags field, begin typing your tag and select the appropriate corresponding tag suggestion
    3. Click the article Save button to add your tag selection


Format restrictions

  • Use hyphens to create a multiple-word tag. Hyphens within tags are interpreted as spaces in search results 
    • Spaces and special characters are not supported in TDX tags
  • Use at least one alpha character (a-z, A-Z) in numeric tags
    • Numeric-only (0-9) tags are not supported in TDX
  • Do not use camel case (camelCase) or Pascal case (PascalCase) for multiple-word tags
    • This can create confusion when searching for the same term in a different format and lead to the creation of duplicate tags
  • Do not use tags to identify common misspellings or alternative spellings of words that appear in the article title or content
    • Inappropriate tags will be re-associated when possible or removed from the system

Examples of supported and unsupported tag naming criteria with rationale

Tag, as formatted Supported /
Not Supported
Brick-and-Ivy Use hyphens to create multiple-word tag
Brick&Ivy Tag cannot contain special characters
Brick and Ivy Tag cannot contain spaces
Brick-and-Ivey Tag cannot be used to identify commonly misspelled words of terms used in article
BrickAndIvy Multiple-word tag should not be created using camel case or Pascal case
P91809, 2019YE Append numeric characters with alpha characters to create numeric tags
91809, 2019 Tag cannot contain only numeric characters


Search tags

  • Use the pound symbol ( # ) to search for KB articles grouped by a specific tag
    • Example: To search the KB for procedure articles tagged with the alias-identifier tag, SOP
      1. In the KB, locate the search box
      2. Click the down-arrow and select Knowledge Base (lightbulb icon) from the drop-down
      3. Enter #SOP in the search field
      4. Click the magnifying glass or press the Enter/Return key to execute your search
  • Hyphens within tags are interpreted as spaces in search results 
    • Example: A KB search for the #Brick-and-Ivy tag will return search results for Brick and Ivy


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Find an unpublished draft


  • To provide instruction on searching for an unsubmitted or submitted unpublished draft in the Knowledge Base


  • To reduce confusion among support personnel who must quickly search the KB for accurate and usable content, we have reconfigured certain TeamDynamix licenses and permissions to limit internal-user access to approved and published articles only
  • While this practice excludes all unsubmitted and submitted (unpublished) drafts from a standard search of the KB, these drafts are available to the Owner — usually the creator of the article — through a search of My Articles


  1. Log in to the KB
  2. Click the My Articles tab in the secondary bar
  3. On the Search page, make sure that the Owner field is populated with your name
  4. From the Status drop-down, select Not Submitted 
  5. Click the Search button
    • If no results are returned for Not Submitted, change the Status drop-down selection to Submitted and try your search again
  6. Browse the resulting list for your unpublished draft


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Revise KB content as Owner or SME


  • To provide instruction for revising internal-use procedural content in the Knowledge Base


  • Only the KBAdministrator, the Owner, or the Subject-matter Expert named on an article is permitted to revise the content of that article
  • If you are not the Owner or the Subject-matter Expert of name, use comments or feedback to note changes you believe should be made


  1. Log in to the KBand open the article you want to revise
  2. Click the Edit Article button
  3. Update the content of your article
    • Be sure to address all valid Not Helpful feedback comments
  4. Click Save
  5. Click the Settings tab
  6. DO NOT change Summary or Tags content
  7. Scroll to the bottom of the Settings page and advance the Next Review Date to the first day of the twelfth month from current review date
    • Example: If article is reviewed on 12/07/2021, advance Next Review Date to 01/01/2022
  8. Click Save and exit to the article


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Advise possible KB content change as observer or user


  • To provide instruction for using Comments or Feedback to note possible need for content changes in a published Knowledge article


  • An Observer or User who wants to advise a responsible party of the possible need for revising the content of a published article
    • Responsible party: Only the KBAdministrator, the Owner, or the Subject-matter Expert named on an article is permitted to revise the content of that article


  • Observer (licensed TeamDynamix user, not the article Owner or Subject-matter Expert)
  • User (anyone other than the article Owner or Subject-matter Expert)


Observer Comment

  1. Log in to the KBand select the article
  2. Scroll to the end of the article and locate the Comments button
  3. Click the Comments button to open blank Notify and Comment fields
  4. In the Notify field, enter and select the name of the owner or SME from the drop-down
  5. In the Comment field, describe the change you think should be made to the content
    • Provide relevant content that should be added to a specific section
    • Identify the possible duplicate article; include the URL of the original article
    • Specify the correction that should be made to outdated, incomplete, or incorrect content


User Feedback

  1. Scroll to the end of the article and locate the box that contains the question, Was this helpful? 
  2. Follow the appropriate steps:
  • Do you think that relevant content should be added to the article?
  1. Click the Yes box
  2. In the resulting Comments field, provide the content that should be added
  3. Click the Submit button
    • The owner or SME will take it from there
  • Do you think that the article content is outdated, incomplete, or incorrect?
  1. Click the No box
  2. In the resulting Comments field, specify the correction that should be made
  3. Click the Submit button
    • The owner or SME will take it from there


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Discover and review KB feedback


  • To provide instruction on reviewing and addressing feedback on unpublished and published KB articles


  • KB article Owners/Owning Group and Subject-matter Experts are responsible for feedback evaluation


  1. Log in to the KBand click the Feedback tab in the secondary bar
  2. On the Feedback search page, follow these step to generate your list:
    1. The Owner field will be auto-populated with your name
      • Click the X next to your name to clear the filter and enter the name of a different owner
    2. From the buttons labeled HelpfulNot Helpful, and Both, select Both
    3. From the buttons labeled AddressedNot Addressed, and Both, select Not Addressed
  3. Click the Search button to generate a list of all unaddressed feedback 
  4. Review each article marked as Helpful and address any comments left in feedback
    • Do not delete Helpful feedback
    • Click Marked Addressed
  5. Review each article marked as Unhelpful and address any comments left in feedback
    • If the comments are valid, edit the content to correct the error and click Marked Addressed
    • If the comments are not valid, contact the person who left the feedback for clarification
      • In some cases, the comment or correction may be better-applied to a different cause (or a new article!)
    • If Unhelpful feedback contains no comments, click Mark Addressed


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Review currency of published KB content




Create a KB currency review report in TDX

  1. Log in to TDNext
  2. Click the Tickets tab
  3. Click the Report option and select Report Folder from the drop-down
  4. Enter the name of your new folder: <Group> Knowledge
  5. Set the visibility of the folder to include all groups that will need to see the reports it will contain
  6. Click the Save button
  7. Click the Report option and select Report from the drop-down
  8. When prompted for the type of report you want to create, select Knowledge Base Report
  9. Enter the name of your report: <Group> KB Currency Review <Owner name>
  10. Enter the following description of your report: Currency review of articles with Next Review Date that falls within the next 30 calendar days. Articles must be reviewed and renewed for currency before the first of the month; expired articles will be retired to archive by default of currency review. Follow the instructions in the KB article, Procedure: KM / Review currency of published KB content at
  11. Under Select the columns you would like to see, click the Add button to add the following columns:
    • Column one: Select Subject from the Field drop-down
    • Column two: Select Category from the Field drop-down
    • Column three: Select Next Review Date from the Field drop-down; select Month/Year from the Display Format drop-down
  12. Under Add filtering to your report, click the Add button to add the following columns:
    • Column one: Select Next Review Date from the Column drop-down; less than or equal to from the Operator drop-down; the run dateplus30day(s) from the Value(s) drop-downs
    • Column two: Select Next Review Date from the Column drop-down; less than from the Operator drop-down; the run dateminus1minute(s) from the Value(s) drop-downs
    • Column three: Select Published from the Column drop-down; is true from the Operator drop-down
    • Column four: Select Owner or Owning Group from the Column drop-down; is one of from the Operator drop-down; click the magnifying glass to search for and select the person or group for the Value(s) field
  13. Click the Advanced button and enter the following filter syntax in the field provided: (1 OR 2) AND 3 AND 4
  14. Under Order your report, click the Add button to add the following Column/Direction options:
    • Order by: Select Category and Ascending from the drop-downs
    • Then by: Select Subject and Ascending from the drop-downs
  15. Under Choose a report folder, select the name of the folder you created in step 4
  16. Under Set the visibility of this report, select the option that will include everyone who will need to see the report; click the magnifying glass to search for and select additional groups, if necessary
  17. Under Email Delivery, click the Add button
  18. In the Edit Delivery Schedule window, select the following:
    • Interval: Weekly
    • on: Wednesday
    • Time: 8:00AM
    • Format: HTML
    • Recipients: Begin typing name and select from the resulting list; or click the magnifying glass to search for and select additional recipients, if necessary
    • UNCHECK the option, If the report has no results, send the report anyway 
    • Check the option, Active
    • Click the Save button to exit
  • When an article is due for currency review, TDX will generate and email a report to the recipient(s). Once the article has been reviewed and renewed for another year or retired to archive, TDX will filter the entry from the report.


Generate your report in TDX

  1. When you receive your report email, log in to TDNext
  2. Click the Tickets tab
  3. In the left panel, locate the category header, Knowledge Base Reports
  4. Locate and click the title of your report
    • Example: <Group> KB Currency Review (SmithThe)
  5. Click the Run Report button to produce your report
  6. Click each title (listed in the Subject column) to open and review each article in the KB
  7. Follow the appropriate procedure, below


Renew a current and valid article (no revisions needed)

  1. Scroll to the end of the article, and check for instances of unaddressed feedback
    • Evaluate Not Helpful feedback comments for possible revision to article content
    • Click Mark Addressed under each instance of feedback reviewed
  2. Read the article and check all links; verify asset information
  3. Click the Edit Article button
  4. Click the Settings tab
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the Settings page and advance the Next Review Date to the first day of the twelfth month from current review date*
    • Example: If article is reviewed on 12/07/2021, advance Next Review Date to 01/01/2023
  6. Click Save and exit to the article


Update and renew an outdated article

  1. Scroll to the end of the article, and check for instances of unaddressed feedback
    • Evaluate Not Helpful feedback comments for possible revision to article content
    • Click Mark Addressed under each instance of feedback reviewed
  2. Read the article and check all links; verify asset information
  3. Click the Edit Article button
  4. Update the content of your article
  5. Click Save
  6. Click the Settings tab
  7. DO NOT change Summary or Tags content
  8. Leave the Status field selection at Approved 
  9. Scroll to the bottom of the Settings page and advance the Next Review Date to the first day of the twelfth month from current review date*
    • Example: If article is reviewed on 12/07/2021, advance Next Review Date to 01/01/2023
    Click Save and exit to the article


Retire an invalid or obsolete article



  • You will receive a weekly update until each expired article has been reviewed and filtered from your report
  • If you received a report of articles that exist in the KB, but are incomplete, not submitted, or unpublished, learn about reviewing unpublished or abandoned drafts


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Review unpublished or abandoned KB drafts


  • To provide instruction for reviewing unpublished or abandoned Knowledge drafts that
    • have a status of Not Submitted or Submitted, but were never Published
    • were saved and abandoned with incomplete or no content 
  • To provide instruction for compliance with the Knowledge Management Best Practice: Assess unpublished or abandoned drafts


Complete and approve draft for publication

  1. Log in to the KB to review your draft
  2. Open your draft and click the Edit Article button 
  3. Update article content, as necessary
  4. Click Save
  5. Click the Settings tab
  6. Scroll to the bottom of the Settings page to Status
  7. Click the Status field and select Submitted from the drop-down
  8. Click Save and exit the editor
    • The KB Publisher will review your submitted article for publication


Reject incomplete draft

  1. Log in to the KB to review your draft
  2. Open your draft and click the Edit Article button 
  3. Click the Settings tab
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the Settings page to Status
  5. Click the Status field and select Rejected from the drop-down
  6. Click Save and exit the editor
    • The KB Publisher will delete all rejected drafts



  • You will receive a weekly update until the status of each draft has been revised and the article is filtered from your report
    • If you do not process your draft, the KB manager will consider the draft to be abandoned and delete the document from the KB
  • If you received a currency review report, learn about reviewing currency of published KB articles


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Retire obsolete KB articles to archive



  1. Log in to the KBto review your article
  2. If the content is no longer relevant, scroll to the review box at the end of the article
    • Click No to answer the question, Was this helpful?
    • Enter the following text in the Comments box: Article moved to archive. Currency review determined that content is outdated, obsolete, or invalid. 
    • Click Submit
  3. Click the Edit Article button
  4. Click the Settings tab
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the Settings page, and change the article Status to Archived
    • If your TDX permissions do not allow you to archive your article, simply follow these instructions through Step 2, and notify the article Owner
  6. Click Save and exit 




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