Procedure: KM / Discover and review feedback in KB articles


  • To provide instruction on reviewing and addressing feedback on unpublished and published Knowledge articles


  • Knowledge Base Manager
  • Ordinal-tier Support
  • Subject-matter Expert (SME)


  • 348532: Knowledge Base (KB)
  • 56345: Knowledge Management (KM 2.0)


  • KB article Owners, Subject-matter Experts, and the Knowledge Base Manager are responsible for feedback evaluation


  1. Log in to the KB and click the Feedback tab in the secondary bar
  2. On the Feedback search page, follow these step to generate your list:
    1. The Owner field will be auto-populated with your name
      • Click the X next to your name to clear the filter and enter the name of your Owning Group
    2. From the buttons labeled HelpfulNot Helpful, and Both, select Both
    3. From the buttons labeled AddressedNot Addressed, and Both, select Not Addressed
  3. Click the Search button to generate a list of all unaddressed feedback for your group
  4. Review each article marked as Helpful and address any comments left in feedback
    • Do not delete Helpful feedback
    • Click Marked Addressed
  5. Review each article marked as Unhelpful and address any comments left in feedback
    • If the comments are valid, edit the content to correct the error and click Marked Addressed
    • If the comments are not valid, contact the person who left the feedback for clarification
      • In some cases, the comment or correction may be better-applied to a different cause (or a new article!)
    • If Unhelpful feedback contains no comments, click Mark Addressed