Procedure: KM / Document a resolution for an escalated ticket


  • To provide instruction on documenting a resolution for a ticket escalated to a team (reactive Knowledge generation)
    • A ticket escalated from the Help Desk to a team contains an issue that can only be resolved by that team
  • To provide instruction on addressing certain issues sometimes found in escalated tickets


  • Knowledge Contributors
  • Ordinal-tier Support
  • Subject-matter Expert (SME)


  • 55923: Knowledge Management Process
  • 348532: Knowledge Base (KB)
  • 56345: Knowledge Management (KM 2.0)


  1. Retrieve your ticket from queue and determine the nature of the issue
  2. Search for any existing procedure used to resolve an issue of this nature
    • Search the Knowledge Base
    • Search your team wiki
    • Search any other repository that your team uses
  3. The results of your search will determine the appropriate next-step 


Search identifies an existing and current procedure

  1. If your search identifies an existing and current procedure, use it to resolve the ticketed issue
  2. If the existing procedure is stored in a team repository, move content to the KB 
  3. Link your new KB article to the original ticket
  4. Contact the user to verify that you have resolved the issue


Search identifies an existing but outdated procedure

  1. If your search identifies an existing but outdated procedure, update the instructions
  2. Use the revised procedure to resolve the issue
  3. If the existing procedure is stored in a team repository, update and move content to the KB 
  4. Attach your new KB article to the ticket
  5. Contact the user to verify that you have resolved the issue


Search does not identify a documented procedure

  1. If your search does not identify a documented procedure, research your options
  2. Develop a procedure that can be used to resolve the issue
  3. Document your new procedure in the KB
  4. Attach your new KB article to the ticket
  5. Contact the user to verify that you have resolved the issue



  • There are a few possible issues you might have to address when processing an escalated ticket
  1. The ticket was escalated to the wrong group
    • Assign it to the correct group
    • If you can't identify the correct group, assign the ticket to the Blackboard group
  2. The incorrect article was attached to a ticket
    • If your search identifies a more-accurate article, attach it to the ticket and note in the ticket that you followed the steps to resolve the issue
    • If the attached article contains an incorrect resolution, edit the article to correct the resolution
    • If the user defined the issue using different words, add the user statement to the Issue/Question section of the article
  3. A stub (incomplete) article was attached to a ticket
    • If the attached article is incomplete (a stub), navigate to the draft article from the ticket and edit it in the KB, documenting the steps to resolve the issue
  4. No article was attached to a ticket
    • If the ticket contains a good description, you have two options:
      • Simply create a new article in the KB using + New Article, and then attach it to the ticket
      • Or edit the description in the ticket by completing the information needed for Issue/Question, Environment, Cause, and Resolution; and save your changes. Then select Update, click the Create New Article box, and click Save to create a new draft in the KB


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Article ID: 34677
Wed 8/2/17 1:53 PM
Wed 6/12/24 2:30 PM
Can you resolve this issue yourself?
Yes! This is self-service with a smile.