Procedure: KM / Review currency of published KB content




  • Subject-matter Expert (SME)
  • Service Owner/Owning Group Manager 


  • 55923: Knowledge Management Process
  • 348532: Knowledge Base (KB)
  • 56345: Knowledge Management (KM 2.0)
  • 10374: TeamDynamix (TDNext)


Generate your report in TDX

  1. When you receive your report email, log in to TDNext
  2. Click the Tickets tab
  3. In the left panel, locate the category header, Knowledge Base Reports
  4. Locate and click the title of your report
    • Example: KB Currency Review (KM/Elliot R)
  5. Click the Run Report button to produce your report
  6. Click each title (listed in the Subject column) to open and review each article in the client portal (/KnowIT)
  7. Follow the appropriate procedure, below


Renew a current and valid article (no revisions needed)

  1. Scroll to the end of the article, and check for instances of unaddressed feedback
    • Evaluate Not Helpful feedback comments for possible revision to article content
    • Click Mark Addressed under each instance of feedback reviewed
  2. Read the article and check all links; verify asset information
  3. Click the Edit Article button
  4. Click the Settings tab
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the Settings page and advance the Next Review Date to the first day of the twelfth month from current review date*
    • Example: If article is reviewed on 12/07/2022, advance Next Review Date to 01/01/2023
  6. Click Save 


Update and renew an outdated article

  1. Scroll to the end of the article, and check for instances of unaddressed feedback
    • Evaluate Not Helpful feedback comments for possible revision to article content
    • Click Mark Addressed under each instance of feedback reviewed
  2. Read the article and check all links; verify asset information
  3. Click the Edit Article button
  4. Update the content of your article
  5. Click Save
  6. Click the Settings tab
  7. DO NOT change Summary or Tags content
    • Summary field is used to identify specific subject matter of certain articles (KB manager)
    • Tags are used for specific reporting purposes only (KB manager)
  8. Leave the Status field selection at Approved 
  9. Advance the Next Review Date to the first day of the twelfth month from current review date*
    • example: If article is reviewed on 12/07/2022, advance Next Review Date to 01/01/2023
  10. Click Save 


Retire an invalid or obsolete article



  • *With deference to the workload that comes with the run-up to Fall Move-in and the opening weeks of the semester, the KM does not call for currency review during the months of August and September
    • Advance the date one month before (08/01/202x) or one month after (11/01/202x) the period
      • Do not advance Next Review Date to 09/01/202x or 10/01/202x
  • You will receive a weekly update until each expired article has been reviewed and filtered from your report
  • If you received a report of articles that exist in the KB, but are incomplete, not submitted, or unpublished, follow the KB procedure for reviewing unpublished or abandoned articles



Article ID: 16940
Thu 9/29/16 4:28 PM
Wed 2/28/24 8:49 AM
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