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Miami Email
Lifetime Email
Miami Account / Expiration
Miami Account / Expiration
To provide information on the continuation and expiration of Miami accounts and services for students, faculty, and staff after leaving the University
As of April 8, 2024, Lifetime email was decommissioned and removed as a service. To learn more, see the
Alumni Association information page
Retired Miami University Staff, Faculty (Emeriti)
Former Miami University Staff, Faculty
Miami University Alumni
Former Miami University Student
10262: Google Mail (email e-mail)
Lifetime Email
10218: Courtesy Account
Employee Accounts
Miami Account
Retirees / Emeriti
Retirees and emeriti are eligible for Lifetime email through membership in the Society of Miami Emeriti (SOME) and the Society of Miami Retirees (SOMR)
Retirees and emeriti retain access to Google Drive space, but not M: drive space
Students (graduate and undergraduate)
After graduation (or departure) from Miami, your accounts will be maintained for a set period before the termination process begins
If Alumni status is gained, your account will remain active for 1 year post graduation
If you stop attending for reasons other than graduation, your account will remain active in Enrollment Eligible Student status until the end of the next full term.
Ex: If you stop attending in Fall of this academic year, your account will remain active through the Spring semester of the academic year, then be subject to termination.
: If you need a transcript, you can order one through
To learn more,
review the Knowledge Base article about the termination of student accounts after graduation
If you are not enrolled and would like to return to Miami next semester, you may apply for re-enrollment by completing an application at https://MiamiOH.edu/reenroll
If you are not currently enrolled as a student but are continuing class work toward degree completion, ask a qualifying sponsor (e.g., your department Dean or Chair, or an advisor) to request a courtesy account on your behalf for this purpose. You will need to provide this sponsor with your address and phone number so that they can complete the courtesy account request form. If you wish to make sure there is no discontinuation in your account, please request a courtesy account before the 180-day expiration deadline
Staff / Faculty
Staff and faculty accounts expire 45 days after leaving the University (unless you have been inducted into SOME or SOMR; please see above)
Access to
Miami University services and sites should automatically expire 45 days after leaving the University
This includes but is not limited to:
Miami Google Services including Gmail, Calendar, and Drive
Banner / Workday
Departmental Files
BannerWeb and Tax Information
Miami VPN
Microsoft Office
If you need access to tax documentation, pay stubs, or verification of earnings or deductions, after the 45 days has passed, please contact Human Resources by email at
If you believe you will need access to your account beyond this time, ask your department chair or current supervisor to
request a courtesy account on your behalf
If you believe your employee status is incorrect, contact the appropriate Human Resources department:
Faculty: Call Academic Personnel at 513-529-6724
Staff: Call Human Resources at 513-529-3131
Miami email — including Lifetime email — is powered by Google
: On April 8, 2024, access to Lifetime email accounts was removed. Please see our
Notice of Intent to Decommission
for a full explanation
Google provides end-user support and up-to-date documentation for Google's Gmail web app
Browse Google's Gmail Help site for everything you want to know about using this popular web app
Check the Google Status Dashboard for the current performance status of this service
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Google Account / Download or migrate my data
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Google Workspace / Download data from your Miami account using Google Takeout
Google Workspace / Transfer the data from a Miami account to a personal Gmail account
Lifetime Email / Unable to access account as retiree or emeriti
Microsoft 365 / Purchase a personal subscription
Notice of Intent to Decommission: Lifetime Email service
Request: Courtesy Account / Create an account for a non-Miami individual
Request: Courtesy Account / Renew or reactivate an account
Student Account / Termination of Miami accounts
- separate email addresses with a comma
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Check out this article I found in the IT knowledge base.<br /><br /><a href="https://miamioh.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/1813/Portal/KB/ArticleDet?ID=21461&SIDs=6188%2c1519">https://miamioh.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/1813/Portal/KB/ArticleDet?ID=21461&SIDs=6188%2c1519</a><br /><br />Miami Account / Expiration