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Miami Student
Student Account
Student Account / Termination of Miami accounts
Student Account / Termination of Miami accounts
To provide information regarding account activity after a student leaves the University
How long will my accounts remain active after graduation?
How long will my accounts remain active after I leave the University?
Student Accounts
Identity and Access Management
10185: Canvas
After graduation or departure from Miami, your accounts will be maintained for a set period before the termination process begins
If you are classified as an Alum, your access will remain for 1 year post graduation
If you depart the university but are eligible to enroll in classes for the following term, your account will be classified as Enrollment Eligible Student. The account remain active until the completion of the next full term.
Ex: If you stop attending in Fall of this academic year, your account will remain active through the Spring semester of the academic year, then be subject to termination.
Termination process
Email notification of account termination
You will receive an email notification at your Miami email address (<UniqueID>@MiamiOH.edu) 30 days before your accounts enter the termination process
You will receive an additional email notification at your Miami email address when 90 days remain before your account will be terminated
If you have not already done so, copy all files you want to save to another system
You will retain access to your Miami email (Google Mail, Gmail) for 180 days after the first notice
In addition to Miami email, once 180 days expires, you will also lose access to the Google Drive and emails, photos, and files associated with it
Accounts are suspended
Your accounts will be suspended for 30 days before being permanently deleted; once your accounts are suspended, only a system administrator can recover files stored in your accounts
Accounts are deleted
Your accounts will be permanently deleted 30 days after being suspended
If you need a transcript after graduation, you can order one through
If you are not enrolled and would like to return to Miami next semester, you may apply for re-enrollment by completing an application at
If you are not currently enrolled but are continuing class work toward degree completion, ask your department Dean or Chair to request a courtesy account on your behalf for this purpose. You will need to provide your department Dean or Chair with your address, birth date, and phone number so that they can complete the courtesy account request form
Miami email is powered by Google
Google provides end-user support and up-to-date documentation for Google's Gmail web app
Browse Google's Gmail Help site for everything you want to know about using this popular web app
Check the Google Status Dashboard for the current performance status of this service
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- separate email addresses with a comma
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