Notice of Intent to Decommission / Lifetime Email service


  • To inform the Miami community that Lifetime Email was decommissioned on April 8, 2024

Notice of Intent to Decommission


  • Lifetime Email was discontinued as a result of the new limitations being placed on Miami by Google. This will include all G-Suite Workspace products, including but not limited to Google Drive, Google Docs, Google Photos, Google Calendar, etc.
  • This was a University business decision based on changes Google made to the original agreement that would put undue financial burden on alumni, students, faculty, and staff. Unfortunately, Google did not offer an opt in/out solution for alumni who might want to keep the account. This is not just a Miami University issue but one that colleges and universities across the country are currently dealing with as a result of the change


  • Miami alumni who graduated after 2010
  • Miami alumni who graduated prior to 2010 and who had previously asked for a Lifetime Email account to be set up in their name


  • 10282: Lifetime Email for Alumni Sign-Up Form
    • Lifetime Email