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Duo Two-factor Authentication
Duo: Account Management
Duo / Guide: Authenticate when traveling
Duo / Guide: Authenticate when traveling
To provide information on using Duo two-factor authentication when away from campus
To provide information on the various authentication methods you can use when traveling or studying abroad
312306: Duo Security two-factor authentication
Duo Mobile App
Android, iPhone, or Windows smartphone
Android or iOS tablet
Mobile Phone (cell phone other than a smartphone)
YubiKey Security Key
YubiKey hardware token
U2F hardware device
U2F authenticator
U2F security token
Feitian Hardware Token
You can use Duo when traveling or studying abroad
Duo will work in airplane mode, in areas without a cellular signal, and in locations with no Wi-Fi signal, because the Duo Mobile app (installed on your smartphone or tablet) can generate Duo Passcodes even when no network connection is available
Duo, when used with a U2F hardware device, will work in areas with unreliable Internet access or coverage
Before you travel, MUIT recommends that you decide which Duo device option(s) you will use when away from campus and enroll a secondary device, in case your primary device is unavailable
Follow these KB instructions to enroll a secondary device for use with Duo
If you plan to travel outside the U.S., be sure to check with your mobile carrier regarding any fees you may incur for texts received while abroad
If you're concerned about data usage, select an authentication method like Duo Push or Duo Passcodes — both are available via the Duo Mobile app
Travel scenario: You will be connected to a public Wi-Fi network
Suggested authentication option: Receive a push notification via the Duo Mobile app
Required: Duo Mobile app installed on your smartphone or tablet
Required: Internet connection
Not required: Phone service
Follow these KB instructions to enroll a smartphone for use with Duo
Follow these KB instructions to enroll a tablet for use with Duo
Travel scenario: You will be traveling by airplane
Suggested authentication option: Receive a passcode generated by the Duo Mobile app
Required: Duo Mobile app installed on your smartphone or tablet
Required: Internet connection
Not required: Phone service
Follow these KB instructions to enroll a smartphone for use with Duo
Follow these KB instructions to enroll a tablet for use with Duo
Travel scenario: You will be using a mobile phone (a mobile phone other than a smartphone or a smartphone without the Duo Mobile app)
Suggested authentication option: Receive a text message from Duo
Required: Phone service
Not required: Duo Mobile app, Internet connection
Follow these KB instructions to enroll a mobile phone for use with Duo
Travel scenario: You left your phone at home or the hotel
Suggested authentication option: Request a passcode from IT Help
Required: After you've enrolled your primary device for use with Duo Security, MUIT recommends that you add a second device to your account. This will give you the ability to log in to your applications if the device you use regularly to authenticate is damaged, lost, or forgotten
Not required: Duo Mobile app, Internet connection, phone service
Follow these KB instructions to request a bypass code
Travel scenario: You anticipate experiencing unreliable Internet access/coverage while traveling
Suggested authentication option: Use a YubiKey hardware device
Required: YubiKey hardware device
Not required: Duo Mobile app, Internet connection, phone service
Follow these KB instructions to enroll a YubiKey hardware device for use with Duo
Review our directory of YubiKey resource links
Travel scenario: You need access to Miami's VPN while traveling
Suggested authentication option: Use Duo Mobile app passcodes
Required: Duo Mobile app installed on your smartphone or tablet
Required: Internet connection
Not required: phone service, YubiKey hardware device
Follow these KB instructions to enroll a smartphone for use with Duo
Follow these KB instructions to enroll a tablet for use with Duo
Additional information regarding alternate options:
If you use the Duo Mobile app to receive push notifications for authentication, be aware that there is a short timeout period the first time authenticating with Duo to VPN and it can be difficult to respond to the push notification fast enough. You can use one of the Duo Mobile app's passcodes the first time authenticating without running into the timeout issue
If you use the SMS texted codes, be aware that there is a short timeout period the first time authenticating with Duo to VPN and it can be difficult to respond to a texted code fast enough. If you receive texted codes you may have to cancel the first attempt, and use the passcode on the next attempt to get logged in
If you use a YubiKey hardware device, be aware that you will need to have the YubiKey configured for use with VPN
Follow these KB instructions to get a YubiKey configured for use with VPN
Learn more about using VPN with DUO
Travel scenario: You will be accessing Miami resources from China
Due to regulations that went into effect in March 2019, SMS text authentication methods may not function as expected
Suggested authentication option: Use the Duo Mobile App for Push notifications or passcodes (Note that the new regulations may also prevent Android phone users from receiving Push notifications automatically, but a user should still be able to 'fetch' a Push notification by opening the Duo Mobile App and swiping down after sending the Push in a web browser)
Required: Duo Mobile App
Not required: phone service
Follow these KB instructions for using Duo while in China
Follow these KB instructions to enroll a smartphone for use with Duo
Follow these KB instructions to enroll a tablet for use with Duo
Review our KB starter guide on choosing a Duo authentication method
Learn more about using the Duo Mobile app on your Android device
Learn more about using the Duo Mobile app on your iOS tablet
Learn more about using Duo with a mobile phone
Learn more about using Duo with a U2F hardware token — your YubiKey
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Check out this article I found in the IT knowledge base.<br /><br /><a href="https://miamioh.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/1813/Portal/KB/ArticleDet?ID=55713">https://miamioh.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/1813/Portal/KB/ArticleDet?ID=55713</a><br /><br />Duo / Guide: Authenticate when traveling
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