OAS (Oracle Analytics Server) provides access to University reports and dashboards.
OAS ( is Miami's strategic product for delivering reports over the web to those who need them when they need them. Many of Miami's most widely-used reports will be available in OAS, and more are being added all the time. In most cases, the information you need to work effectively at Miami is already in OAS or will be there soon. Reports are delivered through OAS for many reasons:
- Information can be distributed electronically to wider audiences. Distributing multiple paper copies is expensive and impractical; electronic information repositories like OAS provide easy access to virtually unlimited numbers of users.
- Electronic reports can be disseminated more quickly than paper reports, so users have the most up-to-date information.
- Information can be presented in more useful ways, including 'what if' scenarios, dashboards, data filters, graphs, and hypertext links.
- The costs of paper and mailing are eliminated as well as the cost of distribution software used to burst large reports such as the monthly financial reports.
- Related reports are collected systematically in one location. For instance, financial reports for each month in the year are shown together in one grouping.
- OAS reports can be exported as CSV, Excel, and PDF documents. You can view the information, save it on your computer, and print the information.
- OAS also contains report jobs or programs that you can run when you need them. Some of these report programs can be customized to tailor information to your needs.
Getting Access
The following authorized OAS client administrators may click the Get Started button to request changes to OAS accounts or to request new OAS accounts:
OAS Security
Access to certain reports is selectively granted because Miami, like all institutions, deals with information that is sensitive in nature. While OAS was created to deliver information when someone needs it, not all information is or should be available to everyone. Upholding data security is important regardless of the method used to deliver the information.
- OAS security is set up so that each individual has access only to:
- information made available to the public
- information required based on job responsibilities
- request access to special reports
If access to special files beyond those which most employees need is essential to your job, your supervisor must request that access from the office that owns the information. That office will in turn contact the OAS administrators.