Grade Submission / Enter midterm grades


  • To provide instruction on entering midterm grades in Grade Submission


  • 10264: Grade Submission
  • 1097993: myMiami, OneCampus


  • You are required to submit midterm grades for any undergraduate student who has 45 or fewer Miami-earned hours. To determine whether you are required to submit midterm grades for a student, locate the appropriate class in the Photo Roster app (search Photo Roster in myMiami). This roster will display a list of students in your class, along with a column to indicate whether you are required to submit midterm grades. You may submit midterm grades for all students, if you desire


  1. Log in to myMiami with your Miami UniqueID and MUnet password
  2. Search grade submission and select the Grade Submission (Submit Grades) task that populates in the search results
    • Link is available only during grade submission periods
    • You can add this task to your Favorites if you don’t want to search for it later
    • Alternatively, select Categories and then Academics, then scroll down and select See More to find the Grade Submission (Submit Grades) task
    • Course enrollment in Photo Roster is completely up-to-date and reflects all recent additions and deletions of students to your class
      • If you do not see a class listed that you are assigned to teach, contact the course coordinator for your department
  3. Select a student and enter the grade using the drop-down list in the far-right column
  4. Click the Submit Grades button at the bottom of the page to save your grade entries
    • Submit (save) your work often and at least every 59 minutes
    • Each page displays 25 students — be sure to submit (save) each page before moving to the next page
  5. Review all submitted grades when finished
  6. Close the grade window to return to myMiami
  7. You can now choose to:
    • Search Photo Roster to view a class roster, which will include the grades you just entered for that class
    • Log out of myMiami and close the browser



  • Submit (save) your work often and at least every 59 minutes
    • Grade Submission will automatically log you out after 60 minutes of inactivity, forcing you to re-enter any grades that you did not save/submit
  • Submitting grades through Grade Submission is only available while grade submission is open. After the period closes, grades can only be submitted by working with the Registrar's Office
  • For questions about specific grade codes, contact the Office of the University Registrar by or by phone during business hours at 513-529-8703