Procedure: KM / Generate report of KB articles owned by UIT group


  • To provide instruction on generating a TDX report of all KB articles owned by a particular Miami UIT group


  • Miami UIT


  • 55923: Knowledge Management Process
  • 348532: Knowledge Base (KB)
  • 56345: Knowledge Management (KM 2.0)
  • 10374: TeamDynamix (TDX)


  1. Log in to TDNext
  2. Click the Tickets tab
  3. In the left-hand column, locate the category header, Knowledge Management
  4. Locate and click the title of the report, Articles: Titles (per MUIT group)
  5. Locate the search field next to the prompt, Owning Group is one of
  6. Click the magnifying lens
  7. In the User Lookup window, type your group name in the search field and click the Search button
  8. Check the box next to your group name and click the Insert Checked button
  9. Click the Run Report button to produce your report
    • Click the printer button to print your report or to save it as a pdf


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