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Request: Miami Email / Delete an account

Request Delete my email account Resolution To request the deactivation of your Miami email account, complete and submit the form for requests requiring photo identification (Reset

Miami Email / Access your account

Objective To provide instruction on logging in to your Miami email account when: You want to log in directly to Miami email You want to log in to your Miami email account for the first

Miami Email / Assistance needed to access a new account

Objective To provide assistance in troubleshooting and accessing your new Miami email account when: You receive the error: Invalid Email — We are unable to process your request at this

Miami Email / Insecure connection error occurs when accessing account

Objective To provide instruction on correcting your system date/time setting when: When you try to log in to your Miami email account, you receive an error that the connection is not

Miami Email / Modify a former employee's account

left their out-of-office response on in their Miami email account when they left the University  Environment Employee Accounts Miami Email 10262: Google Mail (email e-mail

Miami Email / Messages are not delivered to inbox

10262: Google Mail (email e-mail)  Cause An incorrectly configured setting has been put in place Your Miami email account has been compromised Resolution From a computer or laptop

Miami Email / Troubleshoot account access issues

Objective To provide instructions on troubleshooting your Miami email account when: You are unable to log in to your email account Environment Miami Email 10262: Google

Miami Email / Access your account from another country

Objective To provide instruction on accessing your Miami email account when you are in another country Environment 10262: Google Mail (email e-mail) 10393: VPN Client Cause

Miami Email / Allow another person to access to your account

Objective To provide instruction on allowing another person to access your Miami email account when: You want to allow access to your Miami email account to another staff or faculty

myMiami / Access myMiami and Miami email

Objective To provide instruction on accessing myMiami and your Miami email accounts Environment 1097993: myMiami 10262: Google Mail (email e-mail) Miami Email

Miami Email / Recall a sent email message

email account A breach in security should be reported to IT Help by phone at 513-529-7900 or by live chat at   Google's Undo Send option Google allows the

Miami Email / Set up on an iOS device (Gmail App)

Objective To provide instruction on setting up your Miami email account in the Gmail app on your iOS device Environment Miami Email 10262: Google Mail (email e-mail) Gmail

Miami Email / Forward to another email address

Objective To provide instruction on forwarding your Miami email and transferring your related contacts to another Gmail account Environment Miami Email 10262: Google Mail

Miami Email / Set up on an iOS device (iOS Mail App)

Objective To provide instruction on setting up your Miami email account in the Mail app on your iOS device Miami University highly recommends using Google's Gmail app over the built-in Apple

Miami Email / Set up on an Android device (Gmail App)

Objective To provide instruction on setting up your Miami email account on your Android device Environment Miami Email 10262: Google Mail (email e-mail) Gmail App