Procedure: MySQL / Use on CIT server and lab computers

Tags SOP


  • To provide instruction on using MySQL on the CIT server and Lab Computers 


  • Computer and Information Technology (CIT) Faculty, Staff, and Student


  • CIT Server
  • Lab Computers


  1. If you are using the CIT server, follow these steps to connect
  2. Follow this link to Create an account for the CIT MySQL server
    • Note please use Your UniqueID when creating an account.
    • Note you will need to make a password that is not MUnet password when you are creating an account. 
  3. Follow this link to Create a MySQL Database
  4. If on lab computers, sign-in
  5. Go to the Start menu and scroll down to M
  6. Open the MySQL folder
  7. Launch MySQL Workbench 
    1. In MySQL WorkBench, look for the heading, MySQL Connections, halfway down the page
    2. Click the  plus icon next to it 
      • A dialog box should pop up 
    3. In the connection name box, type CIT MySQL Server
    4. In the Hostname box, type
    5. In the Username box, type your UniqueID
    6. Click Ok
    7. Click the box to select CIT Mysql Server
    8. Click the box and enter your MUnet password in the resulting dialogue box



  • Your password for CIT MySQL server is not synchronized with your University UniqueID and MUnet password. If you need to change your password, contact the Regional IT Help Desk


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