Wireless Network / Connect a Linux computer to MU-Wireless


  • To provide instruction on connecting your personal Linux computer or device to MiamiOH-Secure
  • To provide instruction on connecting your University Linux computer or device to MiamiOH-Secure


  • 10139: Wireless Network
    • MiamiOH-Secure
    • Miami's Wi-Fi Network
  • Personally Owned Computer
  • University-owned Computer
    • Linux


  • Visit the Tech Support Lounge for drop-in assistance with a personally-owned computer if IT Help is unable to assist you via phone or chat
  • Miami University IT Services does not provide support for the use of MiamiOH-Secure on a Linux device


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Article ID: 69495
Thu 1/3/19 1:42 PM
Tue 7/9/24 1:23 PM
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