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Services or Offerings?
The contract routing form should be used by UCM employees when a contract needs to be reviewed and signed by Miami. There are two types of contracts that should be submitted through this form: 1) a new agreement with a vendor or 2) a statement of work (SOW) with a vendor that already has an agreement with Miami.

The expense report form should be used by UCM employees when one of the following expense transactions needs to be made: P-Card Purchase, Purchase Order, or Purchase Order Change Request

The parking permit request should be used by UCM employees when we are hosting non-Miami employees on campus.

Request an Emma Email account. Emma is an enterprise email marketing system used Miami University.

Slack is a communication and collaboration tool primarily used by UCM for direct messages. The Slack Request Form should be used to request new Slack accounts for UCM team members (full-time or student workers).

The supply order form should be used by UCM employees when supplies or materials need to be ordered for the office or a project.

Enroll in Cascade training. Cascade Server is the content management system (CMS) used by Miami University.

Request a new Cascade account.

Request a Google Analytics account for your existing Cascade website. Google Analytics are built in to our Cascade websites. Your account will give you access to create your own filters and segments.