EEAAP (Equally Effective Alternative Access Plan)

When any new or existing system, software, or process does not meet Miami’s accessibility standards, an Equally Effective Alternative Access Plan (EEAAP) must be developed. An EEAAP ensures that individuals with disabilities are given equal opportunity to obtain the same result, gain the same benefit, or reach the same level of achievement, in the most integrated setting appropriate to their needs. This document is used to formulate the EEAAP. The plan will be developed by the owner of the system, software, or process, the Miller Center for Student Disability Services (MCSDS), and the AccessMU Center. The Plan is subject to final approval by the Director of the MCSDS and the Director of Accessible Technology (AT).

1. Owners are responsible for identifying technology that does not meet university accessibility standards.
2. The Owner shall complete sections 1 and 2.
3. The AccessMU Center & MCSDS staff will work with the Owner to facilitate completion of Section 3.
4. If you need extra space to complete any item within this request, use additional sheets of paper.
5. When completed, the Owner is responsible for obtaining the department head’s signature and then
forwarding the signed document along with all associated supporting documentation to
6. Once received, the Director of MCSDS and the Director of AT will either a) approve the form and
return a signed copy to the Owner or b) return the form unsigned with requested revision(s).

EEAAP Request

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