(template) ClassTech: Equipment guide


  • To provide instruction on the use of equipment/ device/ software as part of a classroom technology package


  • Faculty, Instructor, Student


  • (Name of equipment, device, or software described in this article)
  • Standard technology package, single-/multi-projection room (change according to tech package used, room type)


  1. (Provide reproducible, step-by-step instruction)

    (delete note) IMAGE: Set image width to 60%. Include brief Alternative Text describing image and noted detail
  2. (Provide reproducible, step-by-step instructions)

    (delete note) IMAGE: Set image width to 60%. Include brief Alternative Text describing image and noted detail
  3. (Provide reproducible, step-by-step instructions)

    (delete note) IMAGE: Set image width to 60%. Include brief Alternative Text describing image and noted detail
  4. (Provide reproducible, step-by-step instructions)
  5. (Provide reproducible, step-by-step instructions)


Troubleshooting: (Problem encountered)

Check your (equipment)

  1. (Provide reproducible, step-by-step instructions)
  2. (Provide reproducible, step-by-step instructions)



  • Power-down the projection system when you are finished using the equipment
  • (delete) TEMPLATE NOTE: Add product-specific notes, if needed
  • (delete) TEMPLATE NOTE: Include link to appropriate troubleshooting guide, if available in KB 
  • Something not working? Review our general troubleshooting guide for a classroom projection system for a list of all the little things you should check before you panic
  • If you need immediate help, locate the phone in the room and dial 9-7900, and then press 9


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