Banner / Guide: Find your Banner+ number


  • To provide instruction on identifying and locating your Banner +number
    • When you don't know your Banner ID number, or where to find it
    • When you don't know your student ID number, or where to find it
    • When you are a new student who did not receive your login information


  • Banner +Number
  • Access & Identity
    • Miami Account
    • Student Account
    • Faculty or Staff Account



New or incoming student 

Locate your Banner +number in your admissions application

  1. Check your admissions application online
  2. Log in with your email address — the one you used when you applied — and the password you provided
  3. Your login information and Banner +number are available after logging in
  • For assistance in retrieving your account information, contact the Undergraduate Office of Admission at 513-529-2531 or the Graduate Office of Admission at 513-529-3734


Current student, faculty, or staff member 

Locate your Banner +number on the Contact Info page

  1. Go to the Contact Information page
  2. Log in with your UniqueID and MUnet password 
  3. On the Getting Started page, look for your name and your Unique ID, followed by an eight-digit number — this is your Banner +number
    • Example: Joan Q. Public (publicjq) / Banner ID: +00000000 / employee


Locate your Banner +number in Banner Self Service

  1. Lon in to My Profile
  2. Select the Personal Info tile
  3. In the upper left below your name look for the field labeled ID Number


Locate your Banner +number in BannerWeb

  1. Log in to myMiami
  2. Search BannerWeb in the main search field
  3. Choose the task that best corresponds to your primary role at Miami:
    • Student Services
    • Employee Services Online
    • Faculty Services
  4. In your chosen section, click one of the scheduling or employment links:
    • Students: Check under one of your Registration options, such as Registration / Change of Schedule or Student Schedule by Day & Time
    • Employees: Check under one of your Employee Service options, such as Employee Annual Appointment Letters or Pay Stub (Pay Information)
    • Faculty: Check under one of your Faculty options, such as Faculty Schedule or Class List
  5. Look for an eight-digit number, preceded by a plus (+) sign, next to your name 
    • e.g., +00000000


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Article ID: 6415
Wed 6/3/15 9:28 AM
Thu 6/6/24 11:44 AM
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