Canvas / Open a closed course for a student


  • To provide instruction on allowing a student to have access to a closed Canvas course when:


  • Canvas Instructor


  • 10185: Canvas


  • Canvas course sites automatically close at the end of each term. You must extend the end-date of the course and the section to open the course and allow a student to access the course
    • Changing the end-date of the course and the section will open the course for all enrolled students


  1. If you did not change the course end date before the end of the term, submit a ticket requesting that the course be reopened
  2. Provide the following information:
  • Course number
  • Course section
  • Last date student users should have access to the course



  • Miami Online offers Canvas training
    • Office hours and support will be offered throughout each term. Look for an announcement in Canvas and an email to all faculty.
    • Resources for using technology. guides, and best practices can be found on the Miami Online website
  • Visit the Canvas Status Dashboard to check performance information for Canvas services
  • Instructure provides up-to-date instructor documentation and instructions for Canvas


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