Request: Courtesy Account / Create an account for a non-Miami individual


  • Create a courtesy account for a vendor
  • Create a courtesy account for a visiting professor
  • Create a courtesy account for a former faculty or staff member
  • Create a courtesy account for a temporary staff member
  • Create a courtesy account for a contractor
  • Create a courtesy account and UniqueID for a non-Miami individual


  • Courtesy accounts, also known as hosted accounts, provide technology resources for qualified non-Miami University individuals
    • The creation of a courtesy account will produce an Miami ID (UniqueID) and MUnet password for the individual
  • A Miami University faculty or staff member may request courtesy accounts on behalf of an individual who is not currently affiliated with the university


Visiting faculty or temporary staff

  • Visiting faculty:
    • Academic Personnel must create an account for visiting faculty
    • If immediate access is required, ask a department faculty or staff member to request a courtesy account for you
  • Temporary staff: Ask your current supervisor to request a courtesy account for you



  • Ask a Miami faculty or staff member to request a courtesy account for you


Authorized Requester

  1. Go to Miami's courtesy account management page
  2. Click Login
  3. In the left panel, click the option to Request a Courtesy Account for a New Person
  4. Complete and submit your request for a new courtesy account
    • You will be notified when your request has been fulfilled
  5. Contact the courtesy account holder and inform them of their Miami UniqueID (username) and MUnet password



  • The requester is responsible for communicating the Miami UniqueID (username) and MUnet password to the courtesy account holder
  • The requester is also responsible for assuring that the requested account will be used in a manner that complies with the Responsible Use Policy



  • 10218: Courtesy Account
  • 10262: Google Mail (email e-mail)
    • Miami Email
  • 398447: UniqueID
  • Employee Accounts


For internal use


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Article ID: 17692
Fri 10/21/16 2:48 PM
Mon 3/11/24 2:48 PM
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Yes! This is self-service with a smile.
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