Workday Mobile App / Install and set up on a iPhone or Android phone


  • To provide instruction on downloading and logging in to the Workday mobile application


  • Connect to the Miami University organization on the Workday mobile app 


  • All University Staff and Students


  • 1460198: Workday mobile application
  • Android 11 and up
  • Apple iOS 16 or later


  • To log in to Miami's Organization in the Workday app:
    1. Download the Workday app
    2. Open the app
    3. Tap Login
    4. Enter miamioh in the Organization ID field
    5. Tap the arrow
    6. Log in with your Miami UniqueID and MUnet password
    7. Approve the DUO prompt
    8. Once it loads, tap the box next to Remember this Device
    9. Tap Submit
    • Note: You may have to create a six-digit code



  • Required operating systems are Android 11 and up, and Apple iOS 16 or later 
    • If your device is not up-to-date or cannot be updated:
      1. Open a browser on your device and type the URL
      2. Log in and then save the site to your home screen


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