Zoom / Error Record


  • To identify errors in Zoom and provide corresponding causes and resolutions


  • Miami University Staff, Faculty, Student


  • 754229: Zoom

Error + Resolution

Error Message

  Unable to sign into your account. Please try the other listed methods
Affected User / Client Office / Action Miami University user with a managed Miami Zoom account who is attempting to sign in to Zoom using the URL https://zoom.us
Cause The user is trying to sign in with an incorrect sign in method
Applied Resolution / Workaround

If you have not converted a personal existing Zoom account using an @miamioh.edu address, this must be completed first. Contact IT Help at (513) 529-7900 for assistance with this process

Go to https://Miamioh.zoom.us and sign in. This will ensure a correct log on flow


Error Message

  Something went wrong while you tried signing in with SSO
Affected User / Action Miami University user who is attempting to sign in to Zoom using the URL https://MiamiOH.zoom.us
Cause The University user has an existing, non-federated account that uses an @MiamiOH.edu email address and was created before Zoom was made available at Miami.
Applied Resolution
  1. Go to Zoom.us
  2. Click the SIGN IN link in the upper-right
  3. Enter your existing Zoom credentials — not your UniqueID and password
    • Do not click the Sign in with Google or the Sign in with SSO link

If you have not converted a personal existing Zoom account using an @miamioh.edu address and would like to, contact IT Help at (513) 529-7900 for assistance with this process

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Article ID: 113067
Mon 8/3/20 5:13 PM
Thu 6/13/24 11:30 AM
Can you resolve this issue yourself?
Yes! This is self-service with a smile.