Create an Email Alias


Faculty and Staff may choose to create up to six email aliases.


Email aliases are intended to make your email address simpler to use, while still promoting a professional image for the university. All newly created email aliases will be reviewed by IT Services within two business days. New email aliases will immediately display in the online directory; however, it is recommended that clients not advertise the new alias(es) until two business days have passed, in order to accommodate the review process.

The following guidelines will enable you to create effective aliases

Email aliases based on name must include the full last name and at least one character of the first name or nickname.



The email alias must comply with Miami University's Responsible Use of Computing Resources policy and not be reflective of a copyrighted or commercial entity or trademark.

Email aliases must not be comprised of university standard abbreviations or names that are normally reserved for university departmental or divisional use. Example:

To create an email alias

Click the Miami Directory button on this page to go to the online directory. Once there follow the steps below.

  1. Search for your directory entry
  2. Log in with Miami UniqueID and password, if needed
  3. Click the myEntry menu along the left side of the page
  4. Scroll down to the Email Aliases section and click the pencil to edit
  5. Create up to six email aliases by typing them in the appropriate fields
  6. Select the alias option that you prefer to be displayed both in the directory and in your incoming/outgoing email
  7. Click save

Review Process

Within two days of submission, requests for email aliases will be reviewed to determine if they adhere to the established guidelines. If an alias does not adhere to the guidelines, it will be deleted and the client will be notified immediately.

Appeal Process

If the client disagrees with the decision to eliminate an email alias, final determination will be the responsibility of the Vice President for Information Technology, his or her designee or university legal counsel.

Add Alias to Directory Profile

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