Request a Wordpress Site


The Miami community can create sites for educational and administrative purposes. A site is an online forum where individuals or groups can maintain an ongoing chronicle of information. A site features diary-type commentary and links to articles on other websites, usually presented as a list of entries in reverse chronological order. Blogs range from the personal to the political, and can focus on one narrow subject or a whole range of subjects.

Miami University recommends using WordPress for personal websites, course websites, or project-based static content. WordPress is an open source, web-based system that can be accessed from anywhere. Sites will only be approved for University related requests. Site requests of a personal nature or unrelated to the University will be directed to


WordPress can also be integrated with your Canvas class roster and linked from within your course site. This allows students to access the WordPress site without having to log in multiple times, and saves instructors from manually adding students to the WordPress site. 

To request a site on WordPress, click on the Request Site button on this page. Once the site has been created, you will receive an email with information on logging in.

NOTE: Before you can log in to Miami's WordPress system, you must either be a site administrator or be added to a site by another administrator.

Request a Wordpress Site

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