Manage User Groups


IT Staff use the Directory Accounts Manager tool for the creation and management of Active Directory and Google Groups. These groups often controlk access to other services and resources, such as Email Distribution Lists, Central Disk Space files and folders.


Click the Access the Tool button on this page to access the Directory Accounts Manager tool.

Explanations of terms used to describe settings with the tool are detailed below:

Who can post - Determines who can send messages to the group using the Google email of the group. By default only Managers of the group can post messages. You can choose to allow all members of the group or anyone with an address.

Who can view posts - Determines who can see messages posted to the Google Group. By default only Managers of the group can view posts. You can choose to allow all members of th group or anyone with an address.

Group Directory - Allows the Group to be listed in the Miami's Google Groups domain.

Other management options include Delegate Group Management, which gives permission to add and remove members to others; Change Group Owner, which assigns a different owner to the group; Rename Group; and Delete Group

Manage User Groups

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