Workday is Miami University's Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) tool with multiple tenants that content will need migrated between to keep content up to date with latest versions.
This form is for requesting a migration of the following:
- Custom Reports
- Integrations and related instances
- SSH Keys
- Prism
This form can also be used to request security information such as an ISU, group policy or SSH key creation in the sandbox or production tenants.
This form requests specific information needed for request approvals, and successful migrations. Please use the following with the help text on the form to properly fill out the fields or answer prompts:
Peer Approver - All migrations will need approval from a second source before the team can migrate the instance. Integrations and integration custom reports need approved by the integration team.The business intelligence team will need to approve non integration custom reports and prisim migrations. Select all appropriate approvers based on type of content you need migrated.
Create Integration System Users (ISU) for Destination Tenants or SSH Keys - Integrations use Integration System Users (ISU) and some systems also use connection keys. These cannot be migrated in the same process but can be created or moved by the security team. If any destination tenants need either of these created or moved, select Yes and provide the information as prompted and a task will be assigned to our Information Security Office (ISO) for completion.
Tenant Source and Tenant Destination - Select where the instance will be starting from, and all destinations (such as Sandbox and Production) so a single change ticket can be used for the full migration process.