Canvas / Add a user to my current course



  • How do I add a new student, who enrolled late, into Canvas?
  • How do I add a Teacher's Assistant to a current course in Canvas?
  • How do I add a teacher to an open course in Canvas?
  • I need to be added to a Canvas course taught by another professor
  • My TA is out, and I need access to their Canvas course
  • I have a student who was force-added by the registrar, and I need to add them to my Canvas course
  • I am unable to add someone to a course from a prior term — the Add People button is greyed out


  • Canvas Instructor


  • 10185: Canvas


  • Any instructor in the course can add a user to Canvas course for the current term. Course in prior terms are closed and users will not be added
  • Students who are officially enrolled in the course, even late, will automatically populate into the course when the course updates run throughout the day
    • When a student's Banner record is officially updated, the student will be added to the course
  • Adding a user without a Miami account or manually adding a user with Miami credentials but not listed in Add People will create a duplicate account, and the actual Banner account will not be connected to the new account. Accounts should only be set up through the proper procedure in Admissions, grad school, or Human Resources through Banner




  • Miami Online offers Canvas training
    • Office hours and support will be offered throughout each term. Look for an announcement in Canvas and an email to all faculty.
    • Resources for using technology. guides, and best practices can be found on the Miami Online website
  • Visit the Canvas Status Dashboard to check performance information for Canvas services
  • Instructure provides up-to-date instructor documentation and instructions for Canvas




Article ID: 24760
Mon 2/13/17 8:34 AM
Tue 12/17/24 10:23 AM
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