Student Account / Share your account with your parent



  • To provide instruction on giving your parent(s) or family member access to your student records and account information through a Parent/Family account
  • To provide instruction on setting up a Parent/Family account


  • Miami University Student


  • 284774: Student Information for Families
    • Student Account
    • Parent/Family Account
  • Identity and Access Management


  • The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records, both financial and academic. FERPA limits release of student record information without the student's written consent; however, it also gives the student's parent(s)/guardian(s) the right to review those records, without the student’s consent, if the parent(s)/ guardian(s) claim the student as a dependent on their Federal Income Tax Return


  1. Log in to the Student Information for Families
  2. Click the Add People button or tab
  3. Enter an email address and select a relationship for the person to whom you are giving access
  4. Click the Submit button
  5. Select the student records you want to share
    • Course Schedule: A listing of courses and meeting times for each term
    • Billing information: A detailed listing of your bill and online bill paying
    • Grades: The midterm and final grades for each course for each term
    • Financial Aid: A listing of all financial aid requirements and awards for each term
    • Housing and Meal Plan: Information concerning your housing and meal plan
  6. Click the Update Access button






Article ID: 17895
Mon 10/31/16 1:39 PM
Wed 1/22/25 11:57 AM
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