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Canvas / Instructor cannot see course
To provide instruction on adding an instructor to a Canvas course for an upcoming term
Canvas Instructor
10185: Canvas
Teacher role is added through Banner
Department admin are tasked with assigning teachers of record in Banner which then adds the faculty to the assigned course in Canvas
If the instructor has been added to Banner, the instructor has Recent Activity set as the Canvas Dashboard
Change the Dashboard view to Card View, or
Go to Courses on the left navigation bar to locate the course
This Canvas Guide article will show you how to add users to a course
Students (users) cannot be added to a course after the term is closed
. (In other words, if the course is from a prior closed term, you will not be able to add users.)
You must extend the end-date of the course and the section to re-open the course and allow user access
before the term ends
If the course was imported and the dates were not removed or shifted, users cannot be enrolled if the start and end dates are from the past or in the future
You must change the start and end dates for the course
Do you need a to give access to your course content to another instructor? Follow the instructions at
Request: Canvas / Create a new project site
Miami Online offers Canvas training
Office hours and support will be offered throughout each term. Look for an announcement in Canvas and an email to all faculty.
Resources for using technology. guides, and best practices can be found on the
Miami Online
Visit the
Canvas Status Dashboard
to check performance information for Canvas services
Instructure provides up-to-date instructor documentation and instructions for Canvas
Browse all
Canvas Guides by product
or see the
Canvas Instructor Guide
Article ID:
Tue 8/15/23 11:39 AM
Mon 1/13/25 9:45 AM
Supported Office or Community
Miami Online
University Community of Students, Staff, and Faculty
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