Voicemail / Check messages


  • To provide instruction on checking/receiving voicemail messages from your office phone
  • To provide instruction on checking/receiving voicemail messages from another University office phone
  • To provide instruction on accessing your office phone voicemail from an off-campus phone


  • 10716: VoIP
    • Voicemail
    • Cisco IP Phone


  • You can access your voicemail from your desk phone or another University phone
  • You can access your voicemail by dialing in from an external (off-campus) location or your cell phone
  • You must set up your Miami University voice mailbox before you can use the voicemail system


Check voicemail from your desk phone

  1. Press the Messages key on your desk phone
  2. When prompted, enter your voicemail password/PIN
    • Six consecutive invalid password/PIN entries will lock the system for 10 minutes
  3. Listen to the available options or perform one of the following actions:
    • Press 1 to check new messages
    • Press 2 to send a message
      • This function enables you to leave another Miami subscriber or group a message
    • Press 3 to review saved messages
    • Press 4 to change voicemail settings
      • This function allows you to change message settings, personal settings, recorded name, or password/PIN


Check voicemail from another University phone

  1. Press the Messages key on the desk phone
  2. When the Auto Attendant answers, press * (star), and enter your five-digit office extension, followed by # (pound)
  3. Enter your password/PIN
    • Six consecutive invalid password/PIN entries will lock the system for 10 minutes
  4. Listen to the available options or perform one of the following actions:
    • Press 1 to check new messages
    • Press 2 to send a message
      • This function enables you to leave another Miami subscriber or group a message
    • Press 3 to review saved messages
    • Press 4 to change voicemail settings
      • This function allows you to change message settings, personal settings, recorded name, or password/PIN


Check voicemail from an off-campus phone

  1. Dial 513-529-1500
  2. When the Auto Attendant answers, press * (star key)
  3. Enter your five-digit office extension, followed by # (pound key)
  4. Enter your password/PIN
    • Six consecutive invalid password/PIN entries will lock the system for 10 minutes
  5. Listen to the available options or perform one of the following actions:
    • Press 1 to check new messages
    • Press to send a message
      • This function enables you to leave another Miami subscriber or group a message
    • Press 3 to review saved messages
    • Press 4 to change voicemail settings
      • This function allows you to change message settings, personal settings, recorded name, or password/PIN


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