Student Information for Families / Parent account link has expired

Tags RI


  • To provide instruction on confirming your parent account when your parent account link has expired


  • 284774: Student Information for Families
  • Identity and Access Management


  • The link created and sent to a parent to verify and complete account set up is only good for a set amount of time; you have exceeded the time allowed to respond, and the link has expired


  1. Go to the Family Member Password Reset page
  2. Enter the email address your student added for you in the E-Mail Address: field
  3. Select Submit
  4. A new confirmation email will be sent to your account



  • As of March 28th 2024, family account holders can process self service password recoveries for their accounts. This process will generate an email or SMS with a one time code to recover the user's password. This can be accomplished using the steps found at


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