Canvas / Remove dropped and inactive enrollments from course and Gradebook


  • To provide instruction on removing a dropped student who still shows in Gradebook


  • Canvas Instructor


  • 10185: Canvas
    • Gradebook
    • Courses


  • Student roles cannot be removed from any Canvas course after the user has entered the course
  • Students should withdraw using the process outlined by the registrar
  • Any work the student has completed will remain with the course even after the student is removed through the registrar withdrawal process
    • If grades and work need to be accessed after the removal of a student user the faculty must add that user back into Canvas
    • Please use caution when adding users to Canvas and only use their Miami email address
    • Follow the screens and make sure that the name of the person associated with the email entered appears on the message box prior to adding a user
      • Adding a user with the wrong Miami credentials will prevent the user from accessing the course properly




  • Miami Online offers Canvas training
    • Office hours and support will be offered throughout each term. Look for an announcement in Canvas and an email to all faculty.
    • Resources for using technology. guides, and best practices can be found on the Miami Online website
  • Visit the Canvas Status Dashboard to check performance information for Canvas services
  • Instructure provides up-to-date instructor documentation and instructions for Canvas