Canvas / Submit grades to Banner


  • To provide instruction on submitting grades from Canvas to Banner


  • Canvas Instructor


  • 10185: Canvas
    • Gradebook
  • 80463: BannerWeb 8 (Self Service)


  • Error in submission of midterm or final grades to Canvas


Enable Send Grades to Banner link in your course navigation

  1. On the Canvas dashboard page, click Courses (or Courses & Groups) to access your course
  2. Click Settings on the left-hand menu
  3. On the Settings page, click the Navigation tab
  4. On the Navigation page, enable Send Grades to Banner in either of two ways:
    1. Click on the gear icon
    2. Drag-and-drop the link from the table at the bottom to the table at the top
  5. Click Save
    • Now the Send Grades to Banner link will show in your course menu on the left


Unmute Assignments


Send grades from Canvas to Banner 

  1. In course navigation menu, click the Send Grades to Banner link
  2. On the grade submission page, verify that a grade appears for each student in the Banner Grade column
    • You can override any student's Banner grade by selecting a new grade in the New Grade column
    • In compliance with federal financial aid guidelines, you will be prompted to provide a last-attend date or never attended information for certain assigned grades
  3. When you have completed grade entry, click Submit Grades at the bottom of the page
    • Optional: Confirm submitted grades by viewing the Photo Roster 



  • There is a paging feature that displays up to 100 students per page — save before proceeding
  • Grade submission process can be quite slow for very large classes
  • The function is only available when grading is open
  • You must be listed on the official roster as the instructor of record for the course in order to submit grades for that course
    • Instructors in a course site other than the instructor of record may not submit grades; TAs may not submit grades
  • If you do not maintain grades in Canvas Gradebook, no grades will be pre-populated, and you must select the appropriate grade for each student in the New Grade column


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Article ID: 27147
Mon 3/13/17 8:54 AM
Wed 6/12/24 2:18 PM
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