Entity Account / Renew an active or expired account


  • To provide instruction on checking the status of a group entity account
  • To provide instruction on renewing an entity account for another year
  • To provide instruction on renewing or restoring an expired entity account


  • 908729: IAM Portal


Renew an active entity account

  1. Go to the Entity Account Manager (IAM Portal) site
  2. If prompted, log in with your UniqueID and MUnet password
  3. Under the Entity Accounts section, go to Entity Account Lookup
  4. Enter a word or phrase in the search bar related to the entity account, and select Search
  5. Select Go to Details for the entity account when it shows up in the search table 
  6. Select Renew Entity Account under Dates & Expiration
    • The account should update within a few minutes, if not immediately 


Renew an expired entity account

  • The same instructions above should apply for renewing an expired entity account 


Renew a suspended entity account

  • The same instructions above should apply for renewing a suspended entity account
    • Note that renewing a suspended in this case will also enable the LDAP and AD components associated with an entity account. These components will only be fully enabled if they are suspended due to the account expiring, not from security concerns




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Article ID: 18927
Tue 11/22/16 4:02 PM
Fri 8/9/24 11:31 AM
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