Request: Entity Account / Reset MUnet password


  • Change the MUnet password for an entity account


You know the current password

  1. Go to Miami's MUnet Password Utilities page
  2. Log in as the entity account
  3. Select the menu with the name of the entity account in the top right-hand corner of the page
  4. Select Change Password
  5. Fill out the password change prompts and select Save


You do not know the current password

  1. Go to Miami's MUnet Password Utilities page
  2. Enter the short name of the entity account in the Username field
  3. Select Next
  4. Select the Forgot MUnet Password? link
  5. An email will be sent to the primary trustee with instructions for changing the password using a recovery code



  • 1388733: RapidIdentity (RI)
    • MUnet Password Utility
  • 908729: MU IAM Portal
  • 10262: Gmail (email e-mail)
    • Miami Email


For internal use