Request: Miami Email / Delete an account


  • Delete my email account


  1. To request the deactivation of your Miami email account, complete and submit the form for requests requiring photo identification (Reset Unrecoverable Password) 
  2. Under Password Reset Request Type, check the box to select Other
  3. In the field provided for details, enter your reason for making the request: Delete my Miami email account
  4. Be sure to include the following information:
    • UniqueID on the account to be deleted
    • Image of one form of identification that has been provided to you by a state government, the Federal government, or Miami University


  • Account Management
  • 10262: Google Mail (email e-mail) 
    • Miami Email
  • 10414: FindUser



  • Former students are permitted to deactivate their Miami email accounts. All active Miami faculty, students, and staff must have an active Miami email account
  • For faculty and staff members who leave Miami University before retiring: Your account will be deleted automatically 45 days after your termination date


For internal use


Request Password Reset Print Article


Article ID: 18619
Thu 11/17/16 8:04 AM
Tue 11/21/23 2:45 PM
Can you resolve this issue yourself?
No. Please request assistance.

Related Services / Offerings (2)

Reliable and secure email service provided through Google Gmail App.