- Establish and maintain an efficient and accurate SACM process for end-user devices with emphasis on the need for accuracy, efficiency and security in managing the configuration of end-user devices
- The scope of SACM for end-user devices encompasses the identification, control, and management of hardware and software configurations throughout their lifecycle. This includes desktops, laptops, and, in some cases, consumables used by end users to access IT Services
- Below are the Key Elements of ITSM Guidance and How Miami University manages in TDX
- Configuration Identification - Establish unique identifiers for each CI to facilitate tracking and control. How we manage in TDX: Serial Number and External ID is the key identifier. For Consumables or where no serial number exists the direction is to use the TDX Asset Identifier and to adhere QR codes whenever possible
- Configuration Control - Maintain version control for software configurations installed on end user devices. How we manage in TDX: This is accomplished by (Leah's Team) and deployed via MECM & JAMF. For example, OS versions are reported as an attribute in TDX
- Configuration Status Accounting - Regularly update with the current status of the end user device configurations, record and report changes to show the current state. How we manage in TDX:
- Manual Interface with MECM/JAMF provide check-in status of the device, tracking devices which have not checked in occurs in TDX and reported via desktops overall and owning account departments
- If a devices has not checked in >6 months and has not been audited >1 year, the devices is moved to a missing status
- Manual updates occur for disposal of devices in certain areas by personnel
- Configuration Verification and Audit - Conduct periodic audits to verify accuracy and completeness of configuration information, ensure compliance with standards/policies. How manage in TDX: Yearly reviews and audits are expected for devices by the owning account departments
- Relationship Mapping - Maintain relationships between end-users and devices, document dependencies. How we manage in TDX: Relationships are maintained via the mappings for owning and requesting account departments, owners are listed as a field and use case which is meant to document dependencies
- Integration with Change Management - Ensure that changes to end-user device configs are properly assessed, approved and documented. How we manage in TDX: Change tickets should include specific assets when appropriate
- 10374: TeamDynamix (CMDB)
- 12568: Service Asset & Configuration Management (SACM)
- Automation occurs bi-monthly providing updates from MECM/JAMF to end user devices updating key attributes below. At present, this process is semi-automated. A report is received from MECM/JAMF. That report is fed to TDX iPaaS by way of an iPaaS form. The OU on the devices is mapped to an owning account / department for creation of the asset the first time. Exist owning account / department is left intact though if one has already been specified
- Reports are sent to Owning Account Departments monthly for review of devices that have been created in the last 30 days and those that have not checked in >5 months
- Owning account department have TDX desktops to assist in reviewing their fleet of devices; reports on the desktop are broken down by attributes listed below and can be modified if requested
- Data is reviewed and updated if a consumable by the Process & Planning owner; devices that are not a learning space component, have not synched with TDX from MECM/JAMF >6 months and have not been reviewed will be moved to a 'Missing Status'
- Owning account departments are responsible for reviewing consumable inventory yearly
- Owning Account Departments, IT Process & Planning, Administration groups that manage devices, some end users
- TeamDynamix (CMDB) End User Device
End User Device Attributes
Below are key attribute names with their descriptions along with guidance and information about end user device assets.
Must (Required)
Crucial to the integrity of most or all CIs and regularly audited for accuracy and completeness by the Practice Owner
- Form - Provides a template of fields to complete - Form Names (University End User Device, CEHS End User Device, Learning Space Component, TSS End User Device,Digital Sign). A form must be selected, when questioning select University End User Device
- Name - The name of the asset, where MECM/JAMF populate the asset it will take on the Network Name
- Serial Number - Serial number of the asset, all devices are required to have a serial number, if they do not such as Apple Devices use the service tag number, if a consumable and no serial number exists suggestion is to save the record and use the asset identifier at the top left as the serial number. IDNNNNN as an example
- External ID - Same as the Serial Number
- Status - Status of the asset - Key status of assets are highlighted in BLUE
- Ordered - is on order and awaiting arrival
- Inventory - device is not actively in use but available for deployment
- Build Phase - is in the process of being built
- In-Use - currently active in use
- Retired - Is no longer in use but not disposed
- Disposed - no longer under control of Miami and sent to recycler or otherwise destroyed
- Donated - no longer under the control of Miami and ownership transferred to another party
- RMA - Device returned to vendor for replacement
- Missing - Device has not checked into MECM/JAMF >6 months and has not been reviewed >12 months
- Description - MECM/JAMF will populate the description as the model number of the device
- Supplier/Manufacturer - Supplier of the device
- Owning Acct/Dept - The department responsible for the support of the asset - owning the support
- Requesting Acct/Dept - The account/department who requested the asset and has fiduciary responsibility for the device, ie, who pays for it
- Last Reviewed - Date that the record was last audited for completeness and accuracy by the configuration item owner
- Device Type - Drop-down selection of the device types available for consumables or learning space components
Necessary for continuous improvement of SACM capabilities and regularly audited for accuracy and completeness by the Practice Owner
- Service Tag - Same as the Serial Number, if a separate service tag number exists you can use that. Also used by TDX in search queries so alternative names can go here to aid in searches
- Device Use Case - Purpose of device when deployed (Primary, Secondary, Classroom, Holding for a vacant position, Hotel Space, Conference, Lab, Loaner, etc)
- Owner - The person in physical possession of the asset; or if a lab environment, person responsible for the equipment located in the lab. In some cases this could be a manager.
- PO (Purchase Order) - Purchase Order used for ordering the device
- Acquisition Date - The date the asset was acquired
- Expected Replacement Date - Set to 4 years after the acquisition date by default
- Date of Last Synch - Date when the device was last updated and synchronized with an external source system, such as MECM/JAMF
- User.Device.LastKnownUser - When synced with a source system the last person who signed on to the device
- Operating System - Provides the operating system level from the source system (completed by the source system)
- Device Type - Drop-down selection of the device types available for consumables or learning space
- Escalation Instructions - The TSS Form provides a link to a KB for escalation, if empty the ticket will be routed to the PRIMARY Group of the owner
The attribute is relevant and desirable to at least some Configuration Item Owners in managing the baseline configuration of their CIs
- Location - Location of the asset. Note: there is an option for "off campus"
- Last Reviewed By - UniqueID of the owner or person who last reviewed the asset during an audit
- TSS Form: Device Form Factor - selections (Desktop, Laptop, Tablet, Unknown)
- TSS Form: Employee Position Number - Position number assigned to this computer at some point in the life cycle
Learning Space Component Form
- The Learning Space Component Form has the standard attributes of End User Device. The Device Type should be checked to identify the type of device in the learning space, and the Escalation Instructions that pertains to the learning space
EHS Form Additional Attributes with Descriptions
- Alternative Asset Number - The number of the EHS sticker for checking the item out
- Device Model - Macbook pro, iMac, Latitude
- Special Notes - Uses the description field for notes
- Automatic Replacement - Notify if equipment will be automatically replaced
- Billing Account - Banner index code or grant account
Digital Sign Form Additional Attributes with Descriptions
- Digital Singage Type - Dining, Goggin, Other Campus Services, Rec Center, Residence Halls, Retail
- Complete Jack ID - Calculated - used to create a port description on switch
- Sign Purpose - Ad or Menu
- Computer Name - Intended for assets, like digital signs, that have two computers - the screen and the attached computer
- Player Name - Name of the player in the content controlling system, eg Four Winds, that displays content to the digital sign
- IP Address - IP Address of the Digital Sign
- Details - Any pertinent details about the specific digital sign
- Requestor - The person in the business office who serves as the primary contact for the digital sign
- Billing Account - Banner Index Account to charge for service
- Deployment Date - Date when the digital sign was deployed