Community Account / Manage password


  • To provide instruction on using changing community account password


  • Miami University community account holders


  • Community accounts are used by unaffiliated individuals to access Miami services in specific cases


  • 908729: MU IAM Portal
  • 1388773: RapidIdentity
    • MUnet Password Utilities (RI)


  • Community accounts use the same MUnet password utilities as standard MUnet accounts. Most activities related to community account passwords should follow the same instructions that apply to all MUnet accounts


Forgot your password

  1. Log in to MUnet Password Utilities (RI) using your username 
  2. Click the Forgot MUnet Password? link
  3. Check your recovery email address or your mobile phone for a one-time access code
  4. On the Email Authentication page, enter the one-time code 
  5. Click the Next button
  6. On the Update Password page, change your MUnet password following Standard: Passwords
    • 16-255 characters
    • Minimum of one uppercase letter
    • Minimum of one lowercase letter
  7. Click the Next button
  8. Confirm your new password
  9. Your password has been updated successfully! Click the Next button


Change your password

  1. Log in to MUnet Password Utilities (RI) using your username and password
  2. Click the Next button
  3. In upper-right corner of the screen, click your profile name and select Change Password from the drop-down 
  4. Enter your current password
  5. Change your MUnet password following Standard: Passwords
    • 16-255 characters
    • Minimum of one uppercase letter
    • Minimum of one lowercase letter
  6. Click the Save button


Recover a forgotten password

  • Community accounts are based on a non-Miami email address. In the event the account holder forgets the password, a recovery code can be sent to the email address to allow a new password to be set. To begin this process, the account holder can follow the instructions listed under Forgot your MUnet password? here


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