Returning Student Housing Accommodation Renewal Form

This form is only for returning students with currently approved housing accommodations on file. New/Incoming students, or students who do not currently have approved accommodations on file, should work directly with the Miller Center for Student Disability Services.

If you have specific Medical or Disability approved accommodations on file through the Miller Center for Student Disability Services, please complete this form to renew your accommodation for next school year. We will continue to honor those approvals, and will use the information on this form to help find the best location for you. If you do not have an approved accommodation on file with the Miller Center, please contact them to initiate that process through their website at

We will contact you to verify your assignment for the indicated school year as soon as we have it finalized. Please keep in mind that this is only a request, but we do our best to place you in or near your requested location!

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