KB / Guide: Use "Exact Match" Search



  • To provide guidance in using "Exact Match" Search to look for the answers you need in the Knowledge Base and the Service Catalog


  • Miami University Student, Staff, Faculty, Alumni


  • 348532: Knowledge Base (KB)




  • "Exact Match" Search uses specific fields for exact match searching in each of the following areas:
    • Site search: client portal search for Knowledge articles, services, and questions
    • Knowledge Base search: match on subject (title), body (content), and summary
    • Service Catalog search: match on name, short description, and long description
  • "Exact Match" Search can also find keywords, phrases, email addresses, and phone numbers


Use "Exact Match" Search

  • Use quotation marks (" ") to perform an "Exact Match" Search on keywords or phrases
    • Example: To search the KB for articles about your MUnet password
      1. Locate the search box
      2. Click the down-arrow and select Knowledge Base from the drop-down
      3. Enter "MUnet password" in the search field
      4. Click the magnifying glass or press the Enter/Return key to execute your search
  • Search multiple keywords or phrases in a single query
    • Example: To search the KB for articles about your UniqueID and MUnet password
      1. Locate the search box
      2. Click the down-arrow and select Knowledge Base from the drop-down
      3. Enter "UniqueID" "MUnet password" in the search field
        • Enter both of those key phrases within their own set of quotes
      4. Click the magnifying glass or press the Enter/Return key to execute your search
  • Perform a regular search along with an "Exact Match" Search by entering text not contained within quotation marks

Examples of valid and invalid search criteria with rationale

Search Criteria Valid / Invalid Rationale
"MUnet password" Meets requirements
"MUnet password Missing closing quote
MUnet password" Missing opening quote
Find my "MUnet password"  Meets requirements
Find my "UniqueID" and my "MUnet password" Meets requirements
"kbmanager@miamioh.edu" Meets requirements
"513-529-1809" Meets requirements


  • In the "Exact Match" Search feature, AND is implied: This narrows your search results to items in which all search criteria are present
    • Example: Enter "UniqueID" "MUnet password" in the search field, so only items with both "UniqueID" and "MUnet password" within the queried field will be returned
  • Only items that meet the "Exact Match" Search criteria will be returned, even when regular search data is entered in the same search query






Article ID: 51104
Wed 3/28/18 9:34 AM
Wed 10/23/24 12:49 PM
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