Entity Account / Change an account trustee, owner



  • To provide instructions on changing an entity account trustee
  • To provide instructions on changing an entity account owner


  • Miami University Staff, Faculty
    • Entity Account Trustee


  • 908729: MU IAM Portal


  • Only an entity account trustee can modify trustee designations
  1. Go to MU IAM Portal
  2. If prompted, log in with your UniqueID and MUnet password
  3. Click on Entity Account Lookup under the Entity Accounts section and type the entity account name into the Entity Account ID field
  4. You should see your results listed. On the entity account you would like to update, click Go to Details
  5. Once you are on the details page, click the Update Trustees button
  6. To replace a trustee, enter the UniqueID of the new trustee in the primary or second trustee ID field
    • If you remove your UniqueID, you will not be able to update your entity account again
  7. Click the Save button to save your changes and to extend the account expiration date



  • When the primary trustee is changed, the password recovery email for the entity account will be set to the primary trustee's Miami account
  • Only the primary trustee will receive the initial renewal email
  • Only one trustee needs to renew the entity account
  • The primary trustee is required to be an active Faculty / Staff
  • A trustee is required to be an active Faculty / Staff / Student — this is now strictly enforced
  • If you are unable to complete this action via self service, complete and submit your request to modify an entity account




Article ID: 34838
Tue 8/8/17 9:14 AM
Fri 1/24/25 9:27 AM
Can you resolve this issue yourself?
Yes! This is self-service with a smile.

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