UniqueID, MUnet Password / Claim my Miami account and set MUNnet password



  • To provide instruction to new users on the process to claim their Miami account and set their MUNet password


  • The account claim process is only available to users at account creation. After the account has been claimed, users will need to reset or recover their passwords, if forgotten. You will receive an email notification with your account information and claim code once the account has been created


  • Miami Faculty, Staff, and Student Employees


  • 1388733: RapidIdentity (RI)
  • 10296: MUnet Password Utilities (WAS)


  1. Collect the email that was sent to your personal email address with account information and claim code 
  2. Open a web browser and navigate to https://accounts.miamioh.edu
  3. Select the Claim My Account button
  4. Enter your Miami-associated email address in the Email field
    • This will be listed in the email that you received under Email; commonly formatted as <UniqueID>@miamioh.edu
    • If you are logging claiming an entity account, use the email address of the entity account; commonly formatted as <entity short name>@miamioh.edu
  5. Enter the Claim Code from the account claim email into the Claim Code field
    • This 6-digit PIN will be listed in the email that you received at your personal address under Claim Code
  6. Select Next
  7. Set your new MUNet password and verify in the second field
  8. Select Next
  9. At the Complete screen, you can now select Back to log in to RapidIdentity
  10. At this point, you will be asked to enroll in Duo two-factor authentication



  • After an account is claimed, standard password recovery methods need to be used to set passwords




Article ID: 160268
Fri 6/28/24 10:52 AM
Fri 2/7/25 12:39 PM
Can you resolve this issue yourself?
Yes! This is self-service with a smile.
Supported Office or Community
University Community of Students, Staff, and Faculty