Faculty Elections / Nominee and Voter





Contact Rob Withers by email at WitherRE@MiamiOH.edu during business hours for questions about the use of or to report issues with Faculty Elections

Additional Documentation


Name + Function Faculty Elections is a web application that is used in the election of faculty members to committees and governing bodies
Asset Record 10247: Faculty Elections
End-user: Participant Miami University staff or faculty member as nominee and/or voter (Participant)
Access: End-user www.apps.miamioh.edu/faculty-elections
Authentication Required Central Authentication Service (CAS), Duo

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Faculty Elections: Nominee + Voter

User: Nominee + Voter (Participant)

A Miami University staff or faculty member, as a nominee or voter, uses this app to:

  • Accept or decline a nomination, or remove their nomination from a new election
    • Nominate self for a new election          
  • Cast a ballot in the Semi-Finalist Round of an election
  • Cast a ballot in the Finalist Round of an election
  • View open (current) and closed (archived) elections
Permissions All staff and faculty members are granted normal user (nominee, voter, participant) permissions
Instructions: Nominee + Voter Return to Contents 

Self-Nomination Round

Nominee accepts or declines the nomination, or removes their own nomination from a new election

  1. As a nominee for a new election, you received an email asking you to accept or decline your nomination
  2. Go to the Faculty Election site
  3. Select the new election from the Current Elections list
  4. On the Election Information page, click the View/Edit Election Participants button
    • If nominated for a position, Admin accesses the Nominee Details page by selecting Switch to Faculty View from the Welcome, <your UniqueID>! drop-down
  5. Click the Nominee Details bar to open the list and review details for nominees
  6. To change your nomination status, locate your name on the list and click the Acceptance field to select your preferred option: AcceptedDeclined, or Removed
    • Confirmation message: Nominee acceptance updated successfully

  • If you do not respond to the nomination, the administrator will contact you to confirm your status (accepted or declined)
  • If you decline the nomination, the administrator will remove you as a semi-finalist
  • If you have accepted or declined your nomination, and then changed your mind, contact Rob Withers by email at WitherRE@MiamiOH.edu

Eligible participant nominates self for a new election 

  1. Go to the Faculty Election site
  2. Select the new election from the Current Elections list
  3. On the Election Information page, click the View/Edit Participants button
  4. Click the plus-symbol  in the Nominee Details bar to add yourself as a nominee
  5. In the Add Nominee window, enter your UniqueID and select Accepted as your Acceptance status
  6. Click the Add Nominee button to submit
    • Confirmation message: Successfully added participant: <UniqueID>

Semi-Finalists Round

Voter casts a ballet in the Semi-Finalists Round (the first round of voting)

  1. As a voting participant, you received an email informing you that the election has started and asking you to cast your ballot
  2. Go to the Faculty Election site
  3. Locate the election on the Current Elections list and click the Vote button
    • If voting in the election, Admin accesses the Vote page by selecting Switch to Faculty View from the Welcome, <UniqueID>! drop-down
  4. On the ballot page, select and order the semi-finalist nominees of your choosing
    • In the Candidates column, click the name of the faculty member(s) for whom you want to vote to move your preferred candidates to the column on the right. When you have completed your selection, place the nominees in order of preference by dragging or using the plus  and minus  buttons
  5. Click the Submit button
  6. Click the Submit button to confirm and submit your ballot in the Semi-Finalists Round 
    • Confirmation message: Ballot submitted successfully

  • If you are a semi-finalist, but have not accepted the nomination, the administrator will contact you to confirm status (accepted or declined)
    • If you decline the nomination, the administrator will remove you as a semi-finalist winner
  • The administrator can determine that the election cannot continue due to lack of nominees or other factors
    • The administrator can release results or simply close the election without releasing results

Finalists Round

Voter casts a ballot in the Finalists Round

  1. As a voting participant, you received an email asking you to cast your ballot in the Finalist Round of the election
  2. Go to the Faculty Election site
  3. Locate the election on the Current Elections list and click the Vote button
    • If voting in the election, Admin accesses the Vote page by selecting Switch to Faculty View from the Welcome, <your UniqueID>! drop-down
  4. On the ballot page, select your preferred finalist                   
  5. Click the Submit button
  6. Click the Submit button to confirm and submit your ballot in the Finalists Round 
    • Confirmation message: Ballot submitted successfully

  • The administrator can determine that the election cannot continue due to lack of nominees or other factors
    • The administrator can simply close the election without releasing results
  • The administrator will close the election and release results through email         

Review Elections

Participant views open (current) and closed (archived) elections

  1. Go to the Faculty Election site
  2. Click the Elections tab, and then select Open or Archived from the drop-down
  3. Search the resulting list and click the name of the election you want to review
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Known Errors: User-level

Error Message: Changing nomination status is not allowed at this time.

  • Possible cause: You have attempted to change your nomination status a second time
  • Resolution: If you accepted or declined your nomination, and then changed your mind, contact Rob Withers by email at WitherRE@MiamiOH.edu to request a change to your status
  • Possible cause: You are not a nominee of the current election and have missed the opportunity to nominate self
  • Resolution: Nomination of an eligible participant can only occur during the Self-Nomination Round
  • Possible cause: The web service was not available when you attempted to change their nomination status
  • Resolution: Wait a few minutes and try again. If you continue to experience this issue, contact Rob Withers by email at WitherRE@MiamiOH.edu to report the error

Error Message: An error occurred while attempting to update nominee acceptance status.

  • Cause: The web service was not available when you attempted to perform a procedure or execute a command
  • Resolution: Wait a few minutes and try again. If you continue to experience this issue, contact Rob Withers by email at WitherRE@MiamiOH.edu to report the error

Error Message: The election is not in a status that can be voted on.

  • Cause: A bug causes an error that occurs when you attempted to vote in an election
  • Resolution: Contact Rob Withers by email at WitherRE@MiamiOH.edu to report the error

Error Message: Failed in submitting the ballot.

  • Cause: The web service was not available when you attempted to submit you ballot
  • Resolution: Wait a few minutes and try again. If you continue to experience this issue, contact Rob Withers by email at WitherRE@MiamiOH.edu to report the error

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User: Nominee + Voter (Participant) A Miami University staff or faculty member, or admin uses this link to access the Miami University Directory for reference
Access Miami University Directory of Faculty, Staff and Students
Asset Record 10697: Miami Directory

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User: Nominee + Voter (Participant) A Miami University staff or faculty member uses this page to learn the meaning of different election statuses and terms
Access www.apps.miamioh.edu/faculty-elections/faq
Information What is meaning of the different election statuses?
  • New: Election has been created with name
  • Self-Nomination: Default, Accepted, Declined, Removed
  • Self-Nomination Verification: Verification of Self-Nomination
  • Semi-Finalist Selection: Vote for eligible nominees who have accepted (or defaulted) the nomination
  • Semi-Finalist Verification: Verification of Semi-Finalists
  • Finalist Selection: Vote for Semi-finalists
  • Finalist Verification: Period in which administrators verify finalists
  • Closed: Winner(s) has been determined
  • Removed: An election that has been deleted

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End-user Support

User Support Participant (Miami University staff or faculty member), who will interact directly with the Faculty Elections app and the Miami University Directory app
Participant-level user
is directed to
Request assistance
with these issues 
  • I have a question about using the Faculty Elections application
  • There are no nominees listed in the Faculty Elections app
  • I cannot change my nomination status
  • I accepted/declined my nomination but I've changed my mind
  • I cannot view results in Current Elections or Archived Elections

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Additional Documentation

Miami University Senate Documents

  • By-Laws are the rules, precedents, and practices commonly employed in the governance of the University Senate; contain a breakdown of faculty representatives by departmental units; the procedures for electing faculty-at-large members; and the procedures for electing faculty representatives to Graduate Council
  • Standing Rules are the rules and resolutions commonly employed in the administrative function of the University Senate
  • Enabling Act contains a description of the University Senate, and its membership, committee structure, and legislative procedures; a description of the Faculty Assembly, and its membership, committee structure, and legislative procedures; and the procedure to amend the Enabling Act of University Senate and Faculty Assembly


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