Entity Account / Error Record


  • To identify errors with Entity Accounts and provide corresponding causes and resolutions


  • Miami University Staff/Faculty
    • Entity Account Trustee


  • 908729: IAM Portal

Error + Resolution

Error Message

  You have successfully authenticated to the Central Authentication Service, but your account is missing in the myMiami portal
Affected User / Action Miami University staff or faculty member who is unable to access myMiami when logging in with an entity account
Cause A known error occurs during entity account creation: Your entity account was not configured to access myMiami
Applied Resolution
  1. Contact IT Help by phone at 513-529-7900 or by live chat at MiamiOH.edu/ITChat to request entity account access to myMiami
  2. Provide the following information:
    • Your request to access myMiami with your entity account
    • The name of your entity account
Associated Procedure Resolution (SolDel)

Error Message

  We are sorry but you do not have access to gmail. please contact your organization administrator for access
Affected User / Client Office / Action Miami University staff, faculty member, or student that is trying to log in to Gmail with the entity account
Cause The entity account was created in the wrong organizational unit (OU) with Google
Applied Resolution / Workaround
  1. Contact IT Help by phone at 513-529-7900 or by live chat at MiamiOH.edu/ITChat to request entity account be updated to correct OU
  2. Provide the following information:
    • The errors you are receiving when logging into Gmail
    • The name of your entity account
Associated Procedure Resolution (SolDel)




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