Photo Roster / Print a class roster


  • To provide instruction on printing a class roster in Photo Roster


  • Miami University Staff and Faculty


  • 10328: Photo Roster
  • 10304: myMiami MyCourses


Print with photos

  1. Visit myCourses
  2. Select Photo Roster for the desired course
  3. On your roster page, click the Show Photos button
  4. Select all data in the roster, including photos
  5. Right-click and choose Print from the pop-up menu


Print without photos

  1. Visit myCourses
  2. Select Photo Roster for the desired course
  3. On your roster page, click the Hide Photos button
  4. Scroll to the end of the roster and click the Download to Excel link
  5. Print the downloaded document



  • For additional information about class rosters and the Photo Roster app, contact the University Office of the Registrar by phone at 513-529-8703 or by email at