SAM / Error Record (Students Accessing Miami)


  • To identify errors in Students Accessing Miami (SAM) and provide corresponding causes and resolutions


  • Miami University Staff, Faculty, Student
  • Student Disability Services
  • SolDel Support


  • 84282: Students Accessing Miami (SAM, AIM)
    • SAM Online Services portal
  • 57510: SAM Nightly Load Process (SZPAIML)

Error + Resolution

Error Message

  Login attempt failed
Affected User / Action Miami staff, faculty, student who is unable to log in to the SAM portal
  • Staff, faculty: Your profile is inactive
  • Student: Your access has expired or your profile is inactive
Applied Resolution Contact the Student Disability Services office at 513-529-1541 during business hours for assistance


  SAM Nightly Load Process (SZPAIML) did not load course information or a digitized textbook into SAM (AIM system)
Affected User / Action Miami staff, faculty, student who is unable to access course information or a digitized textbook in the AIM system
Possible Causes
  • A system-level error has occurred in Students Accessing Miami (SAM, AIM) 
  • A system-level error has occurred in the SAM Nightly Load Process
  • An error occurred in eCampus
Associated Assets
  • 57510: SAM Nightly Load Process (SZPAIML)
  • 119254: Online Virtual Bookstore (
Applied Resolution Contact IT Help by phone at 513-529-7900 or by live chat at and provide details of the error you are experiencing


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Article ID: 56416
Fri 6/22/18 2:26 PM
Thu 6/6/24 11:15 AM
Can you resolve this issue yourself?
Yes! This is self-service with a smile.
Supported Office or Community
Student Disability Services (SDS)