Canvas / Student grades missing from course


  • To provide links to the Canvas Guide articles that can provide resolution when:
    • A student's grades seem to have disappeared from your course
    • You are missing grades in from the Gradebook
    • You accidentally deleted a student's grade in Canvas


  • Canvas Instructor


  • 10185: Canvas
    • Gradebook
    • Grades


  • Grading history allows you to see who graded each assignment and revert scores for students; you can also view historical data for quizzes
  • Assign to allows you to assign the item to one or more students; make sure to use the +Add button at the bottom of the assign to box when making changes




  • Miami Online offers Canvas training
    • Office hours and support will be offered throughout each term. Look for an announcement in Canvas and an email to all faculty.
    • Resources for using technology. guides, and best practices can be found on the Miami Online website
  • Visit the Canvas Status Dashboard to check performance information for Canvas services
  • Instructure provides up-to-date instructor documentation and instructions for Canvas