Turnitin / Log in


  • To provide instruction on logging in directly to Turnitin


  • Canvas Instructor


  • 1439390: Turnitin
  • 10185: Canvas


  1. Before logging in, you must create an assignment in Canvas with Turnitin enabled to generate your account
  2. Open Turnitin.com
  3. In the upper right, select Log In
  4. Select Forgot your password? Click here.
  5. Enter in your Miami email address as Email Address
  6. Enter in your last name as Last Name or Family Name 
  7. Select Next
  8. If you have set up a secret question, it will ask it
  9. Otherwise, follow prompts to have a reset password link sent to your email
  10. Open your email and follow the instructions to create a password for Turnitin
  11. Use this to log in directly to Turnitin



  • Forward issues related to similarity or academic integrity to the Academic Integrity department at 513-529-0027 or academicintegrity@miamioh.edu


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