Employee Account / Access employee W-2


  • To provide instruction on accessing a W-2 form for a current Miami employee


  • Current full-time, part-time, and student employees can access their W-2 form through the Benefits and Pay App in Workday
  • Former employees who don't have access to Workday should contact the Miami University Payroll Department during business hours at 513-529-6223


  • 1191721: Workday
  • Tax & Residence Forms
    • W-2 Form, W2 [sic]
  • Miami University Payroll


  1. Log in to Workday using your UniqueID and MUnet password
  2. Select Menu
  3. Select Benefits and Pay
  4. Select Pay in the left hand menu
  5. Select Tax
  6. To view or print your online W-2 form select View/Print next to the desired year and follow prompts



  • For questions concerning your tax information, contact the Miami University Payroll Department during business hours at 513-529-6223
  • Miami University IT Services does not provide end-user support for former employees seeking tax information 
    • Former employees who don't have access to Workday should contact the Miami University Payroll Department during business hours at 513-529-6223
  • Your W-2 form will be mailed to the your last-known address no later than January 31, as required by Federal law
  • If you are a former employee and need to verify and/or change your mailing address, contact the Miami University Payroll Department at 513-529-6223