Printing / Install or update a driver for a network printer in macOS


  • To provide instruction on installing or updating a driver for a network printer on a University-owned macOS computer


  • 10409: Departmental Printing (ComDoc/MOM devices)
  • Software: University-owned Computers
  • 10668: Active Directory
  • Computing: macOS


  • Faculty and staff can install and update drivers for networked printers on University-owned and -managed macOS computers


  • To install a driver for a network printer, your Mac computer must be joined to the Active Directory
  1. Open System Preferences
  2. Open Printers & Scanners
  3. If you are installing a new network printer, skip to step 5
  4. If you are updating a driver for a printer that's in use, you must remove the printer from macOS
    1. Select the printer from the Printers list
    2. Click the minus-symbol (-) at the bottom of the Printers to remove the device
  5. Click the plus-symbol (+) at the bottom of the Printers list to add a new printer
  6. A list of networked printers should appear in the default window
  7. In the Search box, type the three-character department abbreviation for the printer you want to install
    • If you are unsure of the department abbreviation, search for the three-character building abbreviation (e.g., HYT, RDB)
  8. Select the printer from the list
  9. In the Name text box, you can delete the printer server name, or enter a more meaningful name for the printer
  10. From the Use list box, choose Select Software, then choose the appropriate print driver for the printer.
    • You may also choose Generic PostScript Printer; however, not all features of your printer may be available, such as multiple paper trays or finishing options
  11. Click Add


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